10 years after the death of Heath Ledger: Michelle Williams' Secret Wedding – People



American actress Michelle Williams (37) is married ten years after her death with her ex-partner Heath Ledger († 28).

Secret, retired, in a very small circle. No flashes, no selfie orgies. The Lucky is an independent musician Phil Elverum (40). Only a few close friends, the daughter of Williams Matilda (age 12) and Elverum's three year old daughter were present at the ceremony in the Adirondack Mountains in northern New York.

Williams gave the wedding in an interview with the American magazine "Vanity Fair", also revealed deep and very personal thoughts about love and death. She and Elverum share a dark community: both have lost loved ones.

▶ ︎ His first wife, Canadian actress Geneviève Castrée, died of cancer in 2016. Only 18 months after the birth of the common daughter.

▶ ︎ His ex-partner Heath Ledger died in 2008 from an overdose of various painkillers and sedatives. Not long ago, he and Williams were separated. It weighed heavily on him.

At that time, Matilda, the daughter of Williams and Ledger, was only two years old. Tragedy hits Williams hard. She completely sealed her and her private life.

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picture: kpa dpa Image-Alliance / 90061

"data-zoom-src =" https: // images.bild.de/fotos/heath-ledger-im-film -brokeback-mountain-200868978-56451974 / Bild / 2.bild.jpg «/>

Heath Ledger in the movie "Brokeback Mountain" Photo: kpa dpa Image-Alliance / 90061

Now, she revealed in an interview with the "Vanity Fair": "I've never abandoned belief in love.

For ten years she had unsuccessfully sought the same kind of "radical acceptance" that she had received from Heath Ledger: "I do not want really talk about it, "she said in an interview." But if it helps someone who has suffered like me? "

Their message addressed to these people: [19659013] "Do not be satisfied with something that looks like a prison or hurts you. If it does not look like love, it is not the case. "

With Elverum, she finally found what she was looking for … By her side, she feels free and completely loved."

Her supporting role in "Brokeback Mountain" alongside Ledger earned Williams the first of four Oscar nominations in 2006. Most recently, she has appeared in such films as "All Money of the World" and "I Feel Pretty." In October she will be released by Tom Hardy with the film of superheroes "Venom".

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