75th Anniversary: ​​Mick Jagger: The Gifted Narcissist


He sympathizes with the devil, sings oral bad, glorifies hard drugs. Mick Jagger has never been someone who has not polarized. At first, he wrote songs to thwart the critics. "It would be almost enough to withdraw, because this work is a disaster against which even the double album of the" Beatles "fades.Mick Jagger and his men present themselves as a team completely flattened and self-abolished of the end in her twenties and early thirties, which once included lavish R & B music, but became rich, fat, and insignificant, Mick Jagger seems to have lost a lot of her feelings and phrasing. "Criticizing the double album from 1972 "Exile on Mainstreet", the magazine "Sounds" did not care about the singer of "Rolling Stones" of 29 years.

Vocations live longer: Forty-six years later, the British "Guardian" calls the vocal abilities of the quadruple grandfather and superhuman super-grandfather, and the singer "Buffalo-Tom" Bill Janowitz praises " Exile on Mainstreet "The greatest rock album of all time. The fact that the Millionr Jagger protected 325 times is still on stage with the Rolling Stones is not obvious, as the band was often on the verge of being released.

  With androgynous traits: Mick Jagger 1973 in Hamburg. image Zoom

Photo: Werner Baum (dpa)

With androgynous trains: Mick Jagger 1973 in Hamburg.

Although they can not even piece together their own pieces, it's fascinating to see how much the wrinkled rocker Jagger is resistant to his indomitable, gaping clbadics like Street Fighting Man and It's Only Rock & # 39; n & # 39; Roll. He always seems to be burning for music. According to The Guardian, the elder deserves nothing less than a memory of his uninterrupted voice, since the voices of Bob Dylan (77) are now more bewildered, and even Paul McCartney (76) is not the only one. has not reached the high level for a long time

. ] Idol of a generation

Production leader Dale "Opie" Skjerseth, the man of Mick Jagger for great tasks for a quarter of a century, says about his boss: "It is more He is anxiously awaiting each show, and for the moment I can not see the group withdrawing in any way, in the public you can see the grandparents with their children and grandchildren.This is because the music does not look nostalgic and Mick Jagger is doing a great show.I am younger than him, but I could not follow him.The tour can make the "Stones" so long and spend time with their families. "

" The central organ of the Rock ", says the" Taz ", a family animator? In the 60s unthinkable! At this time Jagger was considered a scarecrow like gangsta rappers these days.Schler refused to go to Frisr until Mick s e be allowed to cut his carpet. The rock god, playful, narcissistic, androgynous, intoxicating, with the mouth wide open and the characteristic lower lip, had become the idol of a whole generation

Illegal substances

No one was colder than the so-called Glimmer Twins. On 12 February 1967, 20 police officers, accompanied by media representatives, stormed Keith Richards' home in Susbad, as if the detainees in Snde had been killed. Jagger's girlfriend at the time, Marianne Faithfull, was completely naked and barely covered with a hairbrush. During the search, the police stumbled on drug paraphernalia and illicit substances, and in June 1967, Jagger and Richards were sentenced to several months in prison for possession of drugs. "It was not very nice," said the singer recently in an interview with the Irish Independent. "Keith was nine months old and I was 3. Because of nothing! The press inflated this story extremely, it was really bad."

In the end, only the fines were imposed, but the process divided the nation and became a symbol of the deep divide between adjusted adults and rebellious youth. All the more absurd as Mick Jagger, blamed for decadence and morality, was invited in the summer of 1967 to a discussion with four senior officials of the British establishment: the Bishop of Woolwich, a Jesuit, a former minister and the editor. the dedicated "Times". "I felt like in a satire of the movie Monty Python," said Jagger. "This discussion was like a parody – a complete joke, really, but the audience takes it very seriously."

Mick Jagger, born July 26, 1943 in Dartford, Kent, also lost the Bad Boy's image in the 1970s and early 80s, not really like the "Rolling Stones". like "Sticky Fingers", "Some Girls", "Emotional Rescue" and "Tattoo You". In the movie "Cocksucker Blues" from 1972, you can see Jagger snorting cocaine behind the scenes. The Berlin organizer Peter Schwenkow remembers very well the difficulty of getting a concert approved by the group. "Getting the" Rolling Stones "on the forest scene in 1982 was difficult because the group was responsible, in the eyes of the authorities, for the dismantling of the grove in 1965. But Mick and Keith left everything intact and did well. Do not forget where the rock'n'roll came from: it was the expression of a rebellion. Even in the '80s, the police went into many concerts still in eighth position.It has calmed down towards the end of the decade. "At that time, the relationship between Jagger and Richards was almost complete and the singer released his first solo album" She & # 39 " The Boss "in 1985, which was refined with platinum

. Does Chris Jagger really want to grow up with his big brother Mick? "Mick is five years older," says "little" Jagger, who is himself a singer. "You're trying your big brother to see if you're as good as him, I think it's a healthy thing, as long as you're not a complete loser." The older brother's job is to make one believe to the youngest he is the best, otherwise he would be hated. "

Intense Love Life

Hate Mick Jagger? Of these, perhaps his many women can sing a song, because in addition to all his musical obligations, he has always maintained an intense love life. Since 1970, Jagger has eight children with five different wives. His marriage to the ecologist, human rights activist and actress Bianca Prez-Mora Macias, which lasted from 1971 to 1980, is the best known. When Jagger became a father for the eighth time at age 73, Keith Richards laughed at him: "Mick is an old bastard, he should be sterilized because at his age one should not be a father anymore." "

Mick Jagger is a shining example of the joy of love and work at the age of retirement. He probably has more wrinkles on his forehead than the father of his 52-year-old daughter, Melanie Hamrick, all over her body, but deep down in furrow nest secrets. Why does the son of a sports teacher on the stage continue to jump like a darling boy? The question of whether Jagger and the other three old men are going through the rigors of a tour is obsolete, because the true legends never die.

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