The Geissens: What half-naked brunette hangs HERE at Robert Geiss?


The Geissens have changed in a significant way
Bild: dpa

In the meantime we have the feeling that the millionaire family Geiss travels around the world full time . From one hotspot to the other, most often accompanied by cameras recording new materials for their documentary serial RTL2 " The Geissens – A terribly glamorous family". But there was also a time when Robert (54) and Carmen Geiss (53) did not have a permanent presence on television or on the Internet . After the sale of their clothing company Uncle Sam, the two millionaires on the French Mediterranean coast began a new life

The Geissens: Robert Geiss was close to heart attack

In his first book "Nothing comes from nothing: On the road to success Geissens "millionaire Robert Geiss a few years ago, said:" A year ago, in no case could I part with 'Uncle Sam & # 39; 39, our baby, who had not only learned to walk before our eyes but just that my own child started to eat me slowly but surely, and if I had a heart attack in my mid-thirties? "[19659006] Robert Geiss stops Spinnenlady naked in his arms – is it Carmen?

And so the Geissens decided to give up stress in the future. Wild days, but apparently not. "From there, we really pissed for five, six years, sometimes the sparkle sank, and we had no more worries, no stress," write the Geissens in their biographical guide. A photo of this era posted Millionaireslady Carmen Geiss on her Instagram account. We see Robert Geiss (notice the earring), who is holding a brown-haired woman with an idiosyncratic spiderweb body.


Is it really Carmen Geiss? Did the millionaire look like this before? Pretty bad. By all appearances. She writes herself under the picture: "Lang Lang is here! Saint Tropez the best place to be !!" Change is hard to believe. That's what Carmen Geiss looks like in the meantime. Recognize the 53-year-old again


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