Guns NÂ ° Roses in Leipzig: Halleluja Hard Rock



It's an affront. When, on Saturday afternoon, tens of thousands of Hard Rock fans, enthusiastic about the Guns N & # 039; Roses concert, gather on the festival grounds in Leipzig, a small group does what – on the dusty square next to the arena? Can these people pose with their harley or their bellies of beer? No. They play boules. In the midst of this gigantic concert crowd, a handful of people calmly throw the metal balls into the sand. Unbelievable.

The first stands are visible a few meters away. You sneak in the corridors, wearing an elegant black on the tattooed body, you run your legs apart and try, despite all the waiting, to appear a little dark; After all, Hard Rock is announced. The afternoon sun also plays its part in making the scenario look like an American carnival. The corners of the mouth rise to a dirty smile. I hope nobody will notice that you have ear plugs in your pocket.

Tyler Bryant and The Shakedown start with a lot of noise and bohemian: percussion on the edge of the stage, high guitars, solo in the deep hollow cross. That the young foursome under four carpets only has eight untattooed arms to offer – no, no, young people today; what should we think?

Second opening act are the Rival Sons, which stage the scene with the towering melody of "Two Glorious Scoundrels" by Ennio Morricone; you know them, with the whistle, the Wua-Wua-Wua and the powerful guitar. Even before the main group, you're thinking of getting the Harley out of the shed – even if it's just the one with the diamond on the chbadis and the basket on the luggage rack.

Shortly before scheduled departure (Guns-N "Old School Rose fans still remember hours spent waiting for Mr. Rose) then start what you paid up to 150 euros. A tank roars and shakes on the giant screens, pulls on the public (a pity that large projections are really visible only after sunset). The reunited rock band, formerly the biggest in the world, from the first to the 32nd song

The septet around the four old prostitutes Axl Rose ("singing" and piano), the guitarist Slash, the bbadist Duff McKagan and the keyboardist Dizzy Reed (The two mediums have been gone for 20 years) covers an arc of "Appetite for Destruction", the first 1987 album to the charts, to the (current) "Chinese Democrazy" album of 2008 and back.

With "It's So Easy", the heroes enter the arena, adorned with dark hair, 80s hairstyles and all sorts of ripped jeans, leather and jewelry, just like the unadjusted millionaires. Anyone who has seen the once-lean Rose Axl in the '90s and knows his skills in figure skating could today describe him as a "double Axl". Slash looks as usual and continues to wonder: are the long fringes glued to the hat or hat has grown over the years?

Rose throws the micro stand on the stage and occasionally disappears to put on a new hat behind the scenes to get the closet or a new jacket. He then comes every time running like a fighting dog, leaning and latent aggressive. But he just wants to play …

"Welcome to the jungle" is the first highlight (apart from "Coma", "Nightrain" and the final "Paradise City"). The voice of Roses bads in a wave of official breath. We hear again and again the word "cool" in the ranks. And indeed, even more exciting than the audience will find only the group itself: Rose, Slash, McKagan and Fortus act like four men in front, maybe the scene is just because of their ego so huge. On the other hand, the "second level" is acclimatized to its status: Dizzy Reed, Frank Ferrer and Melissa Reese with keyboards and percussion instruments connect the big carpet on which the others stand out.

In "Estranged", Rose already sounds a bit like the famous "Knocking on Heaven's Door", which was later sung with a lot of fervor by all; the song of even bigger Krächzers. And the group is also busy doing the recreation: the mini-opera "Live and Let the" of the Wings turns them into a hard board. Oh, how the guitar is screaming. Warning, 007: Pink Floyd's slogan "Wish you were here" brings Slash and Fortus back to light as an instrumental guitar duo

Let the lyrics not necessarily be understood, it's less a sound decent for such an event that a lot more because Rose does not sing as clear and cough as he whistles (among others in "Civil War"). But it does not matter – what it is here and now really, shows the video screen in "Yesterdays":

The hands of a giant clock back, for 40,000 people on this smooth evening of 30 years. It's only after four recalls and just under three and a half hours that the time travel ends with a rain of confetti for the first set – and a fireworks for any the "city of paradise".

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