TV column "Queen Shopping Celebrity": "Wood in front of the cottage, show boobies!"


"I am," says the actress with the last designated role in 2014, which is now taking care of kindergarten children in Berlin, "a bitch-lucky."

"Wood in front of the hut, show the crazy!"

We hear "Bitch" in many variations. Anne-Sophie Briest defeats Kretschmer's clever thematic game. She finds a little hut. She meets a small pile of wood. And she understands: "Wood in front of the hut! It's all about showing insane!" We, the viewers, understand why she just told them that she had felt challenged as a & # 39; 39; student. Only Guido Maria Kretschmer is angry. "Did not really say that?" He asks in the camera. "I did not feel intellectually challenged like a kid, and now she opened a kindergarten!"

"Better than bad to do again"

The next candidate is Miriam Höller. She really has long legs. She became known for her luck with "Germany's Next Top Model" and the bad luck of breaking both feet during a photo shoot and soon after losing her love to Hannes in a crash. # 39; helicopter. "He would make fun of him if he watched me go shopping," says Miriam Höller. Well, he's already dead behind him. And with laughter? The female stunt model brings clear statements into the show. "I must say that my bads look really big," she says. And pushes the explanation later: "Better better, than badly done again." And it also reveals how annoying guys in the club get rid of them quickly. So she just shouts to a friend as loud as she can, "Hey, do you have any ob?" That does not mean a mayor, but something that has to do with women, their days and the background. It scares men.

A skirt in red? "Strestrich"

Well, it's Zoten-Nacht with Guido Maria Kretschmer. A skirt in red? "Strestrich", calls the moderator, "for what else was it done?" Barbara Becker, the third candidate of the evening, seems to be very uncomfortable for a long time in this round. But maybe the sparkling wine helps out there. And when Boris ex and the current fashion designer and something with an escort team on the way to Berlin shopping, it's so squeaky that the old adage goes well: a lot helps a lot,

And who says, "I am super-happy"?

What remains of knowledge? Barbara Becker says she has never driven black on public transport in Germany. She has always been the first to be controlled, probably because of her skin color. Guido Maria Kretschmer reveals how much he loves Barbie dollhouses: "I would have cried if I had it for Christmas." Oh yes: Anne-Sophie Briest gets 19 points from her colleagues. Barbara Becker gets 19 points. Miriam Höller reaches the maximum of 20. In the end, Guido Maria Kretschmer turns Barbara Becker into a celebrity shopping queen. "I'm really happy," she says. She gives the benefit for the help to the refugees.

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