Youth footballers should help unpaid building – parents protest


An appearance of Andrea Berg in Großaspach, which sounds like a harmonious feast. Because the pop singer comes from the region and the concerts are advertised as a "home match".

But there is a dispute: For the third division SG Sonnenhof Großaspach in the stadium where the concerts will take place, quickly ordered their own youth department to help with the construction and dismantling, they should not get money. The newspaper "Bild" reported the case. In a statement to the players, it was said: "The two days, the whole thing takes about 8 hours.Everyone stays there so long until everything is done! Please bring some gloves. Meals are provided. "

The parents of the protesters gathered to protest:" The coaching team asked the boys what they had to do at the concert. It's an impudence, "said the newspaper" Bild "a mother.

The husband of Andrea Berg sits on the board of the badociation

There is a link between the football club and Andrea Berg, according to the newspaper "Bild": Uli Ferber, At the same time , Andrea Berg's husband was also boss and member of the supervisory board of SG Sonnenhof Großaspach, former president of the badociation. This would have initially intimidated the parents to protest the operation.

At the request of the newspaper "Bild", the management of Andrea Berg had confirmed that the young people themselves would not receive any money, the club would have been compensated should. The club itself has not responded to a request for "the image".

In video: Helene Fischer and Andrea Berg – The Schlager queens in direct comparison

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