Hailey Baldwin is now a style designer at Adidas


Hailey Baldwin has long been a brand ambbadador for Adidas and JD Sports. Now, the 21-year-old model has announced its new role in both companies in an official press release. "I'm excited to be the first Adidas and JD Style Creator, I love modeling for campaigns, but influencing designs is my pbadion," said Justin Bieber's fiancé

. Instead of starting small, the model will soon join the creative department. Although Hailey Baldwin will only accept selected women's campaigns in the fall and in the winter of 2018, if it works, Adidas and JD will likely be open to extended collaboration. After all, it's not just about the fashion sense of 21-year-olds. With over 14 million followers on Instagram, Alec Baldwin's niece will also play an important role in marketing. Through the social media channels of Adidas and JD Sports, their fans should be able to participate in the creation of the collections and, as a result, have the opportunity to look behind the scenes. The exact details on the "Live" contributions are not yet known, but the model revealed: "The British style is my inspiration, so many trends are coming from it and I want to create a fusion of my favorite pieces, which are from the UK. United, I can not wait to share my plans with you. "

Hailey Baldwin's first design experience came in 2016, when she co-produced with the Australian online magazine" The Published Daily ", her first collection of clean bags on the market. It remains to be seen how far his experience as a designer will actually flow in his new role. The model has already received the first positive feedback. On Instagram, their fans were almost thrilled to announce their new role as Style Creator – including fashion celebrities like Anna Dello Russo.

Bride to be: the beauty of Hailey Baldwin seems to play!

Hailey Baldwin Beauty Looks

© Hailey Baldwin via Instagram

In the midst of preparations for her marriage to Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin now takes on the role of Style Creator at Adidas. (19659014)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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