Roseanne: A strange interview after the racism scandal – Star News


After her racist tweet against former Obama advisor, Valerie Jarrett, Roseanne Barr posted a strange video on her YouTube channel that she did not show in a good light.

The actress looks annoyed in the clip, has tousled hair. Barr twitches in his seat, nervously pulling a cigarette. Then she said excitedly, "I'm trying to talk about Iran. I'm trying to talk about Valerie Jarrett and the agreement with Iran. That's what my tweet was talking about. "

Then it bursts out of her." I thought the bitch was white, damn! "Hur screams almost hysterically in the camera.

The comedian wrote

and wrote:" If the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes had a baby, it would look like Valerie Jarrett. "This was the successful rebirth of their abandoned sitcom" Roseanne "

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pk / hak / SpotOn

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