Summer house of the stars: "Summer house of the stars": Eklat with the farmer Uwe and his Iris


"Go to hell!" Bert Wollersheim and his friend Bobby Anne Baker have left the RTL summer house visibly sour. During this time, some nerves were dark in some other participants. Bitter tears flowed also with the farmer Uwe …

Now it becomes really exciting: In the third consequence of this year's edition of the show RTL "summer house of the stars – fight celebrity couples "lay the first stars and starlets already completely empty – drama and climbing included. Especially, an emotional explosion of farmer Uwe Abel (51 years old) surprised all along. By the way, at the end of the episode, the Wollersheim team had to go home – and the decision was extremely tight. But in the order:

For the Büchners, the blessing of the house hung at first seriously, which was mainly due to the catastrophic sleeping situation: Daniela (40 years old) was not paying attention to the night. The fault was his Jens (48), which was too wide in the narrow bed. "You can really bad me," hammered Daniela, the man who failed her husband, who really wanted to apologize to her. Will he be here soon for the last break or are the disputes in the style of the Büchner?

Here is "The Last Pimp – Bert Wollersheim – The True Story"

In the first game of the third episode, the masters of creation had to answer intimate questions about their wives. The problem: most of the answers were anything but shot from the gun and so in return, the ladies were shot with garlic sauce and other smelly liquids. Quite fun to men, who could not help laughing most of the time. Finally, the farmer Uwe and his Iris (50) won and could not be nominated for the first extract

All continue against Bert

The trend of the first episodes is now continued and Bert Wollersheim (67 ) continued to come and go between the fronts. At first, the daddy was chatting with Daniela Büchner because he was frankly asking about the cleanliness of the other participants. "At home, it's clean," Daniela pointed it energetically in the barriers and pushed further: "Before throwing my Schlüppi, before crawling those in the bad." Patricia Blanco (47 years) poisoned later in the direction of Wollersheim "C & # 39; was the first time that the facade had fallen." Bert was in his eyes a Rumpelstilzchen and stalker.

Climbing in Iris and Uwe

So it was really dramatic: Iris revealed to the badembled team that Uwe is terrified by the dentist and therefore can not get his teeth fixed. An affront to her husband. He did not like the disgrace and fled the room immediately. Screaming, he retreated to the porch. The apology from Iris, who sat down shortly afterwards to her husband, he initially did not accept: "go away, go in." This is n & rsquo; Would not have been necessary I am seriously disappointed. "

This exhibition hurts:" I do not want to be reduced to my nose and my teeth, but like a normal, normal man here. "He was at the school mainly because of his Nose was teased and so decided to not have children as this would most likely be inherited. In the end, Iris and Uwe were once again a heart and a soul. "I love you," whispered Iris to his ear, which finally allowed him to stroke him again

The Big Parking

Then the action was back: the ladies had to drive their men in a parking lot. The problem: The gentlemen driving a small car had previously blindfolded, which led to very emotional eruptions. Felix Steiner (33) and Micaela Schäfer (34) also clashed, which caused Steiner to blame his partner: she was concerned only by herself, not by the cause. Micaela rejected the allegations in tears: "I do not do a Micaela shepherd show, otherwise I would have shown my bads." In the end, Elke (51) and Frank Fussbroich (50) won and were therefore blocked for the nomination. 19659003] Then finally came the big choice: who had to leave the RTL 2018 summer house first? This immediately crystallized a duel between the Büchner and Bert Wollersheim and his 48-year-old Bobby Anne Baker. At the end, the draw was 3: 3 and so decided to reduce the challenges on the show venue: there, the Wollersheim team was worse during the series and had to return home. Bert's comment on the untimely end: "Go to hell!"

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