Private Margarita Broich: Soon grandmother? The actress "Tatort" wishes grandson


Margarita Broich is married to the actor Martin Wuttke
Bild: dpa

In the crime scene "Margarita Broich plays curator Anna Janneke since 2015. But not only in the detective series ARD, she shows what she has in it.Because the actress is not only in front of the camera and on stage.It also enjoys with a different pbadion: photography

Margarita Private Broich: first photo then acting

Margarita Broich was born on May 3, 1960 in Neuwied, Rhineland-Palatinate and grew up in a medical family.Before devoting herself to the theater, she first studied photo design As a theater photographer, she decided to study drama at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin in the 1980s and since then she has been involved in many plays on various German-language stages. [19659007] However, the artist from 57 to It's not just about playing. Also in front of the camera, the actress plays many roles. Since the early 1990s, she has taken on major roles in film and television. For example, in "Love at first sight" (1991), "Beyond Love" (2000), "Devil & # 39; s Roast" (2007) and "The Diary of Anne Frank" (2016). Since 2015, she has been investigating Wolfram Koch in the "Tatort" Frankfurt

. In addition to being an actress, she has never abandoned her pbadion for photography. But connects their two vocations together. She has already published several photo books showing photographs of actors shortly after her performances.

Husband, son and many grandchildren? Margarita Broich wants to become a grandmother

Broich now lives apart from her husband Martin Wuttke . Together, the pair of actors has the two sons Hans and Franz in Berlin. She can hardly wait for the children to finally have offspring. "I'd really like to become a grandmother soon, but it does not look like that," Margarita Broich said in an interview in February with "spot on news." "My youngest is 17 and now he's graduating, and this happy thing that makes a mother happy is it's me to lubricate the rolls and stuff like that." That's censorship in the life of a mother when the youngest is 18 years old. Let's see how it goes. "

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