Sophia Thomalla on Instagram: The superwoman shows herself in love


The presenter

Sophia Thomalla
28 years old, currently accompanying

Gavin Rossdale
52 years old, touring with his band "Bush" in America. On Instagram, she now publishes a photo of her lover in her story and reveals: Behind the superwoman hides also a soft core!

Sophia Thomalla wants to be Gavin Rossdale

Since July 22, the singer of "Bush" already touring in America. Since the two lovers already have a distant relationship and they obviously want to spend as much time as possible, Thomalla accompanies Gavin. In her Instagram story, the 28-year-old now displays a photo of her love.

  Sophia Thomalla shows her Gavin Rossdale in her Instagram story

  Sophia Thomalla shows her Gavin Rossdale in her Instagram story

"I'm so happy" she writes on the picture. The Thomalla job is a rarity because the couple generally maintains the relationship out of public view. Gavin also posts a photo on his Instagram profile and writes "Find your love in the mirror" while he and Sophia are looking in the direction of a mirror.

Sehntsts-Posting on Instagram

Gavin Rossdale misses his Sophia

Sophia Thomalla and singer "Bush" have to experience first-hand just how difficult a long-distance relationship can be. The actress could just use her by her side now.

© Gala

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