ALADDIN: Mandy Capristo takes on the role of Jasmine


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Mandy Capristo realizes his dream of a musical

Mandy Capristo already has his voice at the concert charity ALADDIN & FRIENDS IN CONCERT In April, she played with Philipp Büttner, ALADDIN singer, and sang with him in duo, but even a successful pop singer must master the auditions before being allowed to to be on the stage of the Neue Flora Theater The critical eyes of the casting director, Ralf Schaedler, have to apply for Capristo – and then on the release of the Disney licensee waiting – a challenge that has mastered the singer brilliantly. 19659005] The commitment of Mandy Capristo in ALADDIN is a big dream come true. "I'm I'm a big fan of Disney and have always wanted to be on stage in a great musical! "she reveals. "When I received the offer to embody the true princess on the big Disney music scene ALADDIN from September 21 I felt very honored at first." I have great admiration for the musical artists and I look forward to spending time with my colleagues, with this challenge and with people who will show me a completely different musical world! "

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© Stage Entertainment

Mandy will be a princess in September and October. Before the rehearsal, Mandy and Philipp Büttner and actress Myrthes Monteiro made an exploratory tour behind the scenery of the theater. Curious, the singer searched the 600 or so tailor-made costumes of the musical and was delighted: "I am totally fascinated by the attention to detail in individual costumes. And how high quality and high quality are treated. Everything done by hand, it is really fascinating. There is so much talent throughout the theater, a special energy reigns here that is incredibly inspiring and contagious. "

Chemistry with Philipp Büttner is right, and Mandy felt at home on stage, and in order to keep up with experienced music artists, drama clbades are now on the schedule. joint with their colleagues begin in August. "I have a lot of respect for the challenge, but I give my all and I work hard to make the Princess Jasmin as authentic as possible!", A said Mandy Capristo. "The musical is not only incredibly entertaining, but also brings values ​​- a point that is incredibly important to me. That really touched me. I can identify with Jasmine's role and even smile a little: the relationship with her father and Jasmin's desire for the depth and bloom of her own life. I will sing the lines as if it were my life! "


  Aladdin Mand Myrthes Philip

© Stage Entertainment

The singer will perform for the first time on September 21 To be seen as Princess Jasmine in 2018. Other dates with Mandy Capristo:

  • 22.09., 23.09., 26.09., 28.09., 30.09.2018
  • 03.10., 05.10., 06.10., 07.10., 11.10., 12.10., 13.10., 17.10., 19.10. , 20.10., 21.10., 26.10., 27.10., 28.10.2018

Tickets for performances with ALADDIN Star Cast are now available in advance.

Tickets for ALADDIN Hamburg
Tickets for ALADDIN Hamburg

ALADDIN will remain in the Neue Flora Hamburg theater stage until 3 February 2019. The musical then continues at the Stuttgart Stage Apollo Theater, where it will be on display on 26 March 2019.

Tickets for ALADDIN Stuttgart
Tickets for ALADDIN Stuttgart
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