According to May Ad: Several Women Accuse Luc Besson of Sexual Assault – Panorama


By (wue / spot)

  Charges against Luc Besson weigh heavily Photo: Featureflash Photography Agency /

The allegations against Luc Besson weigh heavily

Photo: Featureflash Photo Agency /

French director and producer Luc Besson was reported to have badaulted three women. These are not the first allegations against him.

Luc Besson (59, "Lucy") was reportedly badually badaulted on three women. This brings back the French information platform "Mediapart". According to the director and film producer, among other things, a 49-year-old man, who had worked for several years as a casting director for him, repeatedly kissed their will, touched them and asked them to do the same. 39; love. It is said that she turned to the prosecutor

Another former employee also had Besson groped and kissed. She should also have asked the traffic director. An actress also claimed that she was thrown on her in a hotel room

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Police Report Paris

In May, a 27-year-old actress in the police department filed a lawsuit against Besson and accused her of raping her. By his lawyer, he had let him align at that time that he "categorically refuted the allegations of this Fantastin". He never acted inappropriately towards the alleged victim.

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