After miscarriage: Nina Bott is pregnant


Surprised Baby with Nina Bott: The former GZSZ actress and presenter of " Prominent " will become a mother for the third time in a few months, as she is now known. But the presenter also revealed a sad experience: Last year, she had a miscarriage.

Juhuuu! Baby News by Nina Bott

Great pleasure with Nina Bott and her partner Benjamin Baarz: The actress and presenter is for the third time pregnant . As she explained to the broadcast VOX "Prominent ", she waits in January a new offspring:

Yes! We are five from January! And we are very happy! I'm fine and I love pregnancy. I'm really looking forward to my baby belly,

so Nina Bott super happy.

As predicted in the announcement for today 's issue (July 15), the former actor GZSZ and "Everything Counts" gets even more intimate details about her pregnancy in an exclusive story at home.

Sad Confession of Miscarriage

Nina Bott had long doubted that it would work again with her offspring at her age. But that's not all: the 40-year-old athlete also revealed a sad event :

At age 40, I did not know if it was going to work again. Last year I had a miscarriage in the eighth week. A terrible experience of which only a few women speak

then the future triple mother is very open and honest with "Bunte".

So much more gratifying is the current Baby News. Since 2012, Nina Bott is with Benjamin Baarz together. Both have the common daughter Luna, 2 . In addition, the presenter brought his son Lennox, 14 into the relationship.

By the way, The fans of "Prominent " do not have to go without the popular presenter. Nina Bott definitely wants to continue working: "As long as the baby and I do so well, I will definitely work." "She was " not the guy who is only at home. "

More information and intimate details can be found tonight, July 15 at 23:25 to" Prominent "on VOX.

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