After the weakness of the film ball: This is how Janina Hartwig – people


The actress Janina Hartwig (57, "For the love of God") does nothing.

After her collapse at the evening "Film meets Media" at the Munich Film Festival, the actress is transported to the hospital by ambulance

But now there is an all-clear. Janina Hartwig told BILD on Sunday that she was still a little tired, but she was fine again.

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picture: ARD / Barabara Bauriedl

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Janina Hartwig (as sister Hanna) and Fritz Wepper (as mayor Wöller) on the set of "For the sake of heaven" Photo: ARD / Barabara Bauriedl [19659006] Reasons for the Circulatory Collapse

After a hard week of filming on "For the Love of God", she had just been at the party for half an hour on Saturday and was barely drunk when suddenly the cycle had collapsed. The ambulance took her to the hospital

There was a routine alcohol test and a cardiac examination. Both results were correct and the actress was allowed to return home.

Similar to her role as singer Hanna, Janina Hartwig does not change anything so fast.

From Monday she will still film "For the sake of heaven"

But she does not want to go to other events at the Munich Festival

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