Alec Baldwin: After arrest in New York: Alec Baldwin defends himself


Alec Baldwin was arrested in New York. Has he beaten for a parking lot? The actor now takes position.

Actor Alec Baldwin (60, "If love was so easy"
) had problems with the police in New York. An alleged parking dispute ended for a 60-year-old man in a police station. After a few hours, however, he was released. Did the fists go out because of a parking lot? Alec Baldwin has now resisted via Twitter this accusation.

"Claim […] is wrong, however "

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in Baldwin clarified his first tweetthat "normally", he would not comment on something "so unreasonably distorted". However, the actor continued: "The statement that I hit someone for parking is wrong."

Next tweeted 60 yearsthat it has become "a sport" to "score as many people as possible with negative accusations and slanderous accusations of engaging in clickbait entertainment". But regardless of the size of the echo, the statements are not true.

A spokesman for the New York police confirmed to People magazine that the investigation was underway and that Baldwin should appear in court at a later date.

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