Alessandra Meyer-Wölden: Bye, roasted cauliflower! On vacation, she whistles on her line


She is extremely disciplined and conscious of her figure throughout the year. But even on holiday, even Alessandra Meyer-Wölden beats the ropes.

Sometimes she almost scares us. Thin and super sporty, Alessandra Meyer-Wölden, 35, still shows up on her Instagram account. We look in vain for small sins.

When she does not sweat in the gym, she stands by the stove to prepare healthy meals for her family. Her sons Emanuel and Elian (7 years old) of the marriage with Oliver Pocher (40) and their daughter Nayla (8) and their one-year-old twins seem to know pizza, pasta and chocolate only by hearsay. say. For example, Alessandra recently had a snack with roasted cauliflower and the lunch hour had recently grilled kebabs with chicken. Fat, carbs? Inappropriate

In the video above: Again and again, she amazes her fans. "How could this body have five children?"

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