Amy Schumer: The actress can not wait to have her first child


Hollywood is currently in a baby fever. I just got it

Kate Hudson39 years old, his daughter Rani was born and

Jamie DornanAged 36, he looks forward to baby number three with his wife. And now too

Amy Schumer, 37, turn.

Amy Schumer: Just married and a baby right now

In February alone, the actress had married her friend chef Chris Fisher, 38 years old. A few days after the couple formalized their relationship! But Amy seems to be sure to have found the right person with Chris. On Instagram, the American now reveals the beautiful news of her pregnancy.
Funny as always, she has Chris's head and she on the body of

Prince Harry, 34 years old and pregnant woman

Duchess Meghan, 37 years old, ridden.

Clever maneuver to make your fans vote

Instead of simply writing that she is pregnant, Amy Schumer directs her fans to the Instagram page of her journalist friend Yessica Jellin. She clarifies her supporters about the upcoming elections in the United States and reveals elsewhere that Amy is actually pregnant. A smart initiative of the politically engaged actress who uses social media to spread his opinions.

Pregnant stars

Happy for two

Sources used: Instagram,

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