Arrow, Supergirl & Co – Trailer of the DC


  In the fall, he continues with new episodes to the DC Supergirl, Flash and Arrow series. Watch the first trailers here. In the fall, he continues with new episodes at the DC Supergirl, Flash and Arrow series. See the first trailers here

At Comic Con in San Diego the numerous series DC were presented in detail with their new seasons. Only in Gotham there was nothing to see this year because the series will continue until next year with the last season. It looks like Lucifer, like the series with the changes from season 4 to Netflix. For this reason, fans can look forward to a crossing of the Arrowverse series again this year – with a little surprise.

Here we show you all new trailers for the DC series Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Black Lightning

Series 2018: What's new, what's up been renewed and which series should I go?

Black Lightning

The new DC Black Lightning series with Cress Williams (Hart of Dixie) as a new superhero continues this fall with the second season on the American channel The CW. As a high school teacher, he tidies the streets in the streets at night and badaults gangsters in his neighborhood.

Black Lightning – Season 2: From 9 October 2018 to CW

The Flash

] The super-fast superhero Barry Allen in Flash can not miss in the fall with his 5th season. In this document, Barry and Iris meet their future daughter, Nora West Allen (Jessica Parker Kennedy) of the future, who is stuck in a new calendar. Also new is Chris Klein (American Pie) as new opponent Cicada . In addition, there must be another incarnation of Harrison Wells.

The Flash – Season 5: From October 9, 2018 on the American station The CW


Also Supergirl returns to the autumn with the 4th season, The trailer takes a rather dark look on the new episodes. Newcomers include David Ajala (Jupiter Ascending) as Manchester Black .

Supergirl – Season 4: From October 14th on the American station The CW.


The superhero with bow and arrow will return in the new sixth season. Besides Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen aka Arrow there is also a meeting with David Nykl as Anatoly Knyazev. In addition, new antagonists announce: Longbow Hunters with Red Dart (Holly Elissa), Silencer (Miranda Edwards) and Kodiak (Michael Jonsson).

Arrow – Season 7: October 15, 2018 at The CW American Station

Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 is full of other magical creatures and demons. For this they are actively supported by the new member of the team John Constantin (Matt Ryan).

Legends of Tomorrow – Season 4: October 22, 2018 on The CW.

Crossover Episode with Batwoman

Also this year there is a crossover episode with super heroes Arrow, Supergirl, Flash & Co. This time, they are joined by a new superheroine: Batwoman . There is always a search for a suitable actress, but it is already clear: next year we will see more super heroine with a new series of DC planned, because the American broadcaster is planning a series of Batwoman .

Krypton [19659024] The new Superman Krypton series will not be released until next year "data-img-format =" 204 "data-img-id =" 6019380 "clbad =" responsive "src =" http : // "/> The new Superman Krypton series will not be released until next year.

The new series of the l Superman universe will be released on the season US Season 2. The sender Syfy has continued.There is still no first trailer, because there is still work on scripts.But decision makers already announce a new antagonist : Brutal contemporaries Lobo of the planet Czarnia Who will represent the bounty hunter, is not yet known.However, the series should create a transition to the planned Lobo movie In the new episodes, there will also be a meeting with Braniac (Blake Ritson) and Doomsday of the first season.

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