As Jessica Paszka is asked for a new friend, she stumbles


Wednesday night launched the new season "The Bachelorette" on RTL. One person who is very familiar with the program is Jessica Paszka. She participated in the program last year and wanted to talk about her experiences with "Stern Tv".

But presenter Steffen Hallaschka was not only interested in his impressions of the program, but also in a video that the 28-year-old girl posted on his Instagram profile a few weeks ago. In this document, she is holding hands on vacation.

Asked about a new love, Paszka suddenly begins to stumble. She does not want to be so public about things anymore, she says. A strange explanation follows: "I was filming against the sun and I did not see that I was filming more than I really wanted."

A confession can not get it – but a denial looks different.

In the video: Sarah Lombardi shows for the first time a picture of a couple with her new friend

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