"Avengers 4" – The official title accidentally leaked? – Cinema


"Avengers 4" – official title disclosed accidentally?

Written by Waldemar Witt on 30.06.2018 at 23:01

How does the fight against Thanos end?

While we are still looking forward to waiting until next year at "Avengers 4" to get an answer, Omega Underground is currently reporting that the title of the upcoming Avengers movie might have had been disclosed.

So Omega Underground came across the filmography of filmmaker Trent Opaloch, who is involved in the production of "Avengers 4".

There, however, Opaloch introduces "Avengers 4" with the title "Avengers: End Game" on.

Of course, there is the possibility that this could be a working title of the film, but such a title for the film seems a little too coherent. Especially since the title is a direct reference to Dr. Strang's statement in "Infinity War", that the Avengers must prepare for the "finale" of the next film.

However, the directors of the film, Anthony and Joe Russo, have already indicated that it should take some time before the official title of the movie "Avengers 4" is revealed.

If "Avengers: End Game" is really the title of the film remains to be seen. However, the leaked title does not seem too weird.

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