Bachelorette in Ticker-Protokoll: So ran the first night of roses


"The Bachelorette": RTL seeks the love of his life for Nadine Klein

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Finally, Wednesday night makes sense! From July 18, a new bee on RTL distributes its roses to happy candidates. The new "Bachelorette" Nadine Klein sent her home three candidates out of 20 the first night. How the first night of roses ran: All info in FOCUS-Online-Ticker-Protokoll

  • How to watch the series live
  • Bachelorette Nadine: In the first night of roses, 3 men have to pack their bags [19659007] Only 6 candidates are older than her – we even have Botox in her cheeks

22:17: With a little nudge we say goodbye and we wish you a good night. Next week, at the Bachelorette, not only the first dates, but also the first macho power struggles! We're waiting impatiently!

Nadine sends three candidates to the house

22:14: The last rose! Sasha, Filip and two others have to shudder. But the last rose is coming … someone in a good mood. It's Filip !!!! So Sascha (not really a shame, although we would have waited for more looks from him), Kai and Vadim go home.

22:03: There are only four roses left! Now it's getting serious for guys! Daniel has already dusted – despite the preloaded name. Even Mr. "I've never had a girlfriend" Anni has one. But who receives the last rose? The resolution after the advertisement, clearly …

22:01 clock: Eddy is really happy. Sweet. Even his curls are full of joy.

21:57 clock: Paul Janke has a rose! Hooray! And she will remind him of a wonderful evening. Like romantic!

21:54: The second rose goes to … "a young man who has already spoken very openly with Nadine". Brian aka Marc Terenzi! He accepts the rose and of course a "big stone fell from his heart".

21:52 clock: " Only the eyes are polarized." Well, look, you will not be polarized right now!

21h50: There is the bouquet of cut flowers. Only three men are flying away today. We would immediately have at least ten in our heads, which we would send to Germany by post.

Nadine now distributes 17 roses

21:47: Bäm! Nadine does not like flat sayings. Sorry, Sasha! If only he could dance as well as Eddy or Jorgo. Although he has pink, but still presses on the tight tube.

21:44 clock: Andi with the beautiful striped jacket gives the stretcher and watches Nadine and the boys flirt. The man, who had never had a girlfriend, said nothing, but hoped that Nadine would bring him to him. He was lucky again. Now he is allowed to sit with Oldie Sascha with Nadine on the Hollywood swing. Poor Nadine! Hopefully she'll release someone from this post. Nobody can look at this. Dave is trying it!

9:33 pm: Sören takes him to the last corner of the garden. A little less ointment would have done well his hair. Brain interrupts the flirtation and Nadine is happy with the man's leather jacket. At Vadim, she is a little too reserved. Will he have to return to Germany today?

21:32: The big Batida glbades of Coco we miss! Well, a few bottles are at least there on the terrace around.

21:28 clock: Rafi grabs Nadine first. His job: personal trainer. It's pretty much the same as the hair and makeup artist with the bachelor's degree candidates. In fact, only an influencer is missing.

21:18 clock: Now she's gone: The first night of Roooooosssseeeeen! And what does Nadine drink? It's great with the guys.

9:15 pm Stefan is a cool sock! Nadine could have fun with that. And at the age of 35, this would correspond with age. Just put the shirt on and go! Would be nice because they stand side by side. His Geich-takeaway attempt did not work, but it still can be.

21h11: Slime alarm! Unfortunately, Sascha's costume is too big and looks like Miami Vice. Now he hangs his jacket on her too. "The jacket was better than the flat slogan," Nadine said. Swipe 10000000!

21:09 pm: Now comes the macho doctor. Nadine esteems her 9 years younger. And he thinks it's cool, of course. Botox is already in the cheek – everyone can do it!

What? One of the candidates never had a girlfriend – at age 28

21:05: THIS STYLE. So Nadine's look says: WTF? Andi had never had a girlfriend when she was 28 years old. Maybe that's because he wants to join the heart of the bachelor's degree.

21:04 Clock: Now comes Paul Janke. Uh, sorry, we mean Jan Elsigk, of course. Was a fast treatment.

21:01: Mad Alarm: Eddy lets out a raging cry when he comes out. If he can score with Nadine. His style always does it. And after all, the two are holding hands for a few seconds.

20:49: Ahhhh, Jorgo, the man on the guitar, gets the first rose. We can not remember that there had already been a first rose in recent seasons during the introductory round.

20:47: This was nothing, Vadim. He recognized Nadine right away, but in one way or another she did not really like it.

8:45 pm Maxim is too smooth. Good, but viscous. If Nadine finds something good? Boys flies are rather chic.

20h41: The first man is there: that is Alex. Seems to be nice. She thinks he's good. What she said to Filip. So, his tight pants promise a lot. And his nervousness is very cute. It's only 24 years old, the little one.

20h40: The Bachelorette outfit: too tight, too much polyester, too much glittering stones. Much better than expected! So, in a negative way … We saw a flash of his string, for example.

The first men arrive

20h38: Pimp it up! The beard is cut, the striped jacket is worn and worn by Sascha?

20:37 clock: Who will probably sleep with Nadine? Younger boys have their noses in front of her. But she does not want to be punishable. We can calm down, Nadine. No one is under 18 – even if you have secretly wished that. Toyboy Alert!

20h35: 20 men sniffing a cloth. And recognize by the smell that she is very delicate. Cheers! We meet now too. Of course, our Prickelwbader is pink, it's clear!

20:33 clock: Oh my God, now here are the conditions of the upper lip to lower badyzed. Manuel will probably have another Botox syringe for Nadine. He's going to take the Bachelorette. And then I hope you start it!

20:32: The first letter! Waaaaaaahhhhh.

20:31 clock: Oh again camp-daddy … But in boxing he's doing a very good job. Aha, and he is still a good lover. If Nadine will test it?

8:29 pm: Jan is one of the nest babies at age 24 and would be perfect as a double Paul Janke. Unfortunately no compliment, sorry!

20:28 clock: move! And fight room – like in a summer camp. Ahhh, a lot of tattoos are back at the beginning.

Nadine was badly injured

20:26: Nadine's grandmother had a stroke and Nadine found her. The sad pages of the Bachelorette's life. At the age of 20, her grandmother died. And Nadine decided after this terrible experience: now is the time to live my life.

20:25 clock: Finally something hot! So this unnamed candidate with dumbbells.

20:24: Jorgo is very intelligent. He knows that crazy consists of two syllables. Move and move! It's very important to score with Nadine.

20h23: Spirit and spirit? We recognize here rather a seasoned professor, dear Sascha.

8:22 PM: Mom says Eddy is a grenade. Well, I hope it will not explode today.

20:21: Aha, the high official, Sascha wanted to become a bachelor. But he had received no answer. Mhhh, can he score at the Bachelorette?

20:21: Here are the boys fighting for Nadine's heart! One cooler than the other. At least, that's what they think …

20:18: She's here: Nadine Klein, the 2018 Bachelorette. Daniel Völz must be angry now, that's what he's doing. he sent this beautiful woman home so quickly.

20:17: Tears? What? Oh my God, who cares? It's going to be exciting at the Bachelorette!

20:15: She wants to dance, she wants to laugh, she wants to kiss! Yes. Bachelorette start! And there is already powerful testosterone in the air.

20h00: Ladies, we hope that your Prosecco is already cold ?! In 15 minutes, it starts. Then Nadine Klein as a Bachelorette is looking for great love among 20 men between 24 and 38 years old. We are so excited by the boys.

17:02: Other knowledge stammtisch to indicate, complacent? Please note: Nadine was single for four and a half years, originally wanted to be an actress and finished a musical education. She also – audition – a bachelor's degree in music and media studies and cultural studies, but she is currently dreaming of a career as public relations manager and, in addition to her job as commercial advisor for luxury brands and prestige, media management. Incidentally, Machos has no chance with her, as she explained in the online interview FOCUS – and the vain guys certainly will not.

Wednesday, July 18, 3:37 pm: Just in time for the RTL summer hole begins with one of the testosterone-laden dome shows of the television landscape – "The Bachelorette" goes into the new season. Nadine Klein of Munich is Tulip Trulla of the year. From now on mating wanting to mate the boys around the beautiful 32-year-old. If you find the Walle mane familiar, they are right: In the past "Bachelor" -Staffel Nadine has always competed as a participant in Daniel Völz, who, however, sent her home without Rose. No big loss, as we find it.

Video: First interview of love: "Bachelorette" Niklas introduces herself with her new girlfriend Jessica

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