Bayreuth Festival: Thielemann electrifies the "Lohengrin"


Bayreuth / Jürgen Kanold

In addition, the police, again very present for the premiere of the Bayreuth Festival, has new costumes: dark, plain blue with light stripes on the pants uniform. Bavarian chic. This must have been a Wagnerian coincidence, because the new "Lohengrin" is no less filled with general blueness.

Featured artist Neo Rauch and his wife Rosa Loy have in their Leipzig studio for six years the prelude to Richard Wagner's romantic opera "as an atmospheric lure for inspiring insertions" and the music belonged to Friedrich Nietzsche: "Blue, opiate, narcotic effect". Rauch is famous for surreal figurative painting, and he also created fairy-tale images with modern breaks for Bayreuth – also inspired by "Delft Tile Blue."

The focus is on a transformer that converts electricity from the grid into electricity for the consumer. But in one way or another it does not work in the divided country of Brabant. There the lights go out, then the electrician must come: Lohengrin. Beautiful metaphor. It's blazing and sparkling, and suddenly on the roof, let's just, let's say, the model of a white stealth bomber from the Batman world – apparently the swan. So Lohengrin rescues Elsa, who is accused of fratricide, fighting with Telramund, hovering in the air. You wear wings here. If the rats in the "Lohengrin" of Hans Neuenfels last, now the mites attracted by the light belong to the population of the opera. Otherwise, the suits with their starched necklaces remind the former Netherlands of a van Dyck.

This is so widely known from Rauch's expensive photos. But the painted interludes are fascinating: a sky at the beginning of the second act with an almost readable abstraction. Is not it, in the cloudscape, a fallen angel – Elsa? You can not get enough of such landscape paintings, loaded musically.

The question is, what does all this mean to us? In other words, where is the director? Unfortunately, Yuval Sharon, who entered the concept of the scene shortly after Alvis canceled Hermanis, does not use a large circuit diagram (person). And there is no decisive attitude to an interpretation, no operating instructions: The "Lohengrin" can post-romantic, should not be political, but say something. However, this staging is extremely static unless someone is tied up. The festival choir sings great, but he could just as well do it in the movement.

King Henry – who, once again, impressive with his bbad Georg Zeppenfeld – just stands around. Tomasz Konieczny is allowed to sing an evil Telramund almost clownish – and so does it emotionally. Much more interesting the Ortrud: not even the devious witch, but an attractive woman who tries rather than intrigued. Waltraud Meier, already 62, manages a remarkable return from Bayreuth; It does not matter that she has to force the eruptions.

Sharon is most likely to offer an anti-love story. In any case, Lohengrin not only insists on the question of his origin, he does not even ask anyone, he is interested in a sweep for Elsa. The bridal chamber is orange under electricity, but there is nothing cracking between the two, on the contrary. However, the character of Piotr Beczala, who embodies Lohengrin with extraordinary ease and flexibility, is a true figure of Wagner's song. Full of color, even with bel canto soaps, the finest piano – that's pure poetry. Anja Harteros is having trouble with Elsa: is she now the lost girl or is she a strong, brave and betrayed woman? So she sings convincingly of everything, in all shades. Ovation for a group of singers, with whom Bayreuth claims an incomparable festival clbad

But one who is energized on the Green Hill, who ensures high voltage, is Christian Thielemann with the grandiose Festival Orchestra, which the follows at each end of the finger. He has now directed the ten works of Wagner to Bayreuth, which was only possible for Felix Mottl, who died in 1911. Thielemann, a historical figure: It can be said after this first triumph. Nobody knows the acoustic of the Festspielhaus better, as well as its extremely transparent, clear and yet romantic sound "Lohengrin". Even the very fast, even tight preliminaries were an event in the first. Beautiful lyric lines, unheard-of instrumental figures that Thielemann discovers in the score. And the often crude metal blower of the state's action suddenly rings through choreographed music.

The electrical engineer Lohengrin finally fulfilled his mission. It did not really please Elsa, but in the end, he even equipped with a battery, at least, he catches it with a shiny orange backpack on his back. So people fall dead, whether they are struck by lightning or finally exhausted, you do not know exactly in that direction. Perhaps Yuval Sharon has completely destroyed his personal conduct

But a green man arrives on the scene – probably Gottfried, whom Ortrud had enchanted from after a swan libretto, and who, fortunately transfigured, the new leader of Brabant should be called. Now, the cute male brings enlightenment. A happy ending ecologically harmless.

The festival's gastronomy also features a happy hour after the opera: two glbades of Radeberger (0.3) for five euros. This is good for the balance of fluids. And does not become blue yet.

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