Bianca Heinicke: Bianca "Bibi" Heinicke: "We are finally engaged"


Bibi Heinicke and Julian Claßen are engaged. This was announced by the two stars Youtube. Both are in a hurry with their civil marriage.

Youtube star Bianca "Bibi" Heinicke (25) and Julian Claßen (25) are engaged. Both announced this in a video message to their fans. Asked by her friend, she "could not believe it yet, because she would never have expected it," said the 25-year-old

Claßen had been "with a Huge bouquet of red roses in front of the door. Youtuberin said about the request. In the hallway, he then knelt in front of her "and asked me if I wanted to marry her". Nachgestellt there is still the whole scene on Instagram to see. "I was so happy and happy, it was perfect," said Heinicke about this special moment.

Everything for the wedding can be found here

Marriage later on the beach

And when is the wedding taking place? The common wish is, says the star of the pregnant YouTube, to get married before the birth of the baby. "It would be rather on a very small scale." If the child is a little older, then there should be a very beautiful wedding celebration, preferably on the beach, so Heinicke. In May, both Youtubers announced that they were expecting offspring.

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