Campino singer pants: Outdoor swimming allowed at night – Dresden


Swimming pool pleasures like Campino: Exactly two months after the nightly break-up of the Toten Hosen at the Georg-Arnhold-Freibad in Dresden, there is a first public Badenacht. On August 3, you can swim, jump and slide until midnight, as announced by the spa's administration.

The interest in cooling in the dark is "huge", founded the Dresdner Bäder GmbH Thursday on its decision. There is always a demand for the pleasure of the summer pool, for which singer Campino has been accused of intrusion.

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Photo: David Young

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Frontman Campino and "Die Toten Hosen" had burst into an outdoor pool in Dresden at night Photo: David Young

This has since been removed, as a spokesman for the urban enterprise. There was an agreement with the group and a donation of 5,000 euros, which would be used for charitable purposes.

After their Dresden concert in the football stadium on the night of June 3, the pants had illegally access to the adjacent outdoor pool. They later asked for forgiveness and vowed to keep their opening hours in the future.

The party ends at 1.54, just as the group tweeted a snapshot of Campino in a swimsuit and two companions in the outdoor pool. This time, the pool will be illuminated, a DJ will be engaged and badtails mixed.


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