Celebrity Big Brother and Co .: Who are all of these Trash-TV participants?


The other day, Monday night, the most beautiful televised ensemble of Micaela Schäfer, somehow a model, but mostly known as a proof of naked work by plastic surgeons. So, the shepherds pound some grapes on her head, she calls "Ieeh" and "No" and says, "I was afraid the grapes would crush my dear face." Short contact of the cheeks, "is completely plastic"

  Celebrity girl: Patricia Blanco (with her partner Nico Gollnick)

Celebrity girl: Patricia Blanco (with her partner Nico Gollnick) [19659005] Where does it happen? In the "summer house of the stars" on RTL: Eight couples live in a house somewhere in Portugal, dynamic nitroglycerin group, a small tremor, and then it is good. "We are not here to make friends," said Frank Fussbroich, a reality TV veteran already on the road. All the inhabitants of the summer houses squat on upholstered furniture, sometimes on camping chairs, which bend dangerously under the male plauzen. Most of them talk about "The one I thought, I mean," -German. Looks like morning camping

Who's watching?

And these are supposed to be stars? Until then, but that 's the way TV is today: Do not have any stars, make a few of them.

  Peer Kusmagk and Thomas Rupprath at the 2011 Jungle Camp

Peer Kusmagk and Thomas Rupprath at the 2011 Jungle Camp

do a lot. As if from a rattling factory, 20 new young women come to the "Bachelor" villa (RTL), 20 and more "girls" on the podium of Heidi Klum (Pro Sieben), a dozen old acquaintances in the "Celebrity Big" Brother "container (Sat 1) plus the twelve jungle camp residents (still RTL) .Vox station is also constantly looking for attendees for its shows, including" Shopping Queen " , "The job interview" and the dating market "First Dates"

  Celebrity: Jessica Paszka (with David Friedrich)

Single celebrity: Jessica Paszka (with David Friedrich)

Basically, private television needs more than 100 participants and candidates per year.It is barely a week, where on the screen, no participants or candidates dressed, sometimes half naked or completely naked, sitting on a Usually, they do not do much more than play psycho-pot, talk about their often boring lives or blaspheme on others.

"Do you know where he comes from?" Just from Aldi to the cash register, "said Willi Gentlemen, who has already played a young criminal in" Lindenstraße. "He meant a candidate for" Celebrity Big Brother ", with whom he had" his pleasure ", but now he must explain this to his wife, the "construction site" at home.

Who's watching? The others, who also like to tell their lives and blaspheming others, may also live secretly in 'building sites' Emotional or would like to pay their new Mercer with cash prizes, like "Malle" – Jens Büchner in the "summer house."

  A TV full of fools: Micaela Schäfer and Felix Steiner practicing the parking lot ("Sommerhaus der Stars")

A TV full of idiots: Micaela Schäfer and Felix Steiner practicing the parking ("Sommerhaus der Stars") [19659005Quiregarde?Ehbiennouslepublicdevantlatévision

What has started in 2000 with "Big Brother" show on RTL 2 and was ridiculed as an ephemeral phenomenon with a large audience, who called Zlatko, is today the basis of many broadcasters Program and important quotient guarantee. The jungle camp "I'm a star – get me out of here!" gets about six million, "The Bachelor" and "Let's Dance" up to 3.5 million, "Next Top Model of Germany" about 2.5 million. And now the "summer house" with 2.43 million in the first episode. Just for comparison: The ARD cultural show "Titles, Theses, Temperaments" has an average of 1.1 million viewers on Sunday

  Celebrity Breasts: Micaela Schäfer (with Gabriella De Almeida Rinne)

-Busen: Micaela Schäfer (with Gabriella De Almeida Rinne)

From Trash-TV to "Mitte-TV"

What Unites Shows: They Have Manageable Production Costs , which are reproduced by advertising blocks partly gigantic. In 2017, the station Sieben Pro finds itself alone for the first episode of the season then "Top Model" of 3.8 million euros in advertising and packaging 89 spots in the show of 135 minutes. "I am a star" is similar. According to estimates from the advertising industry, advertising revenues remained in RTL's box office after every episode of 2017.

This is how the old TV trash became for a long time "TV center". Jens Oliver Haas, editor-in-chief of "Ich bin ein Star", said the camp has the highest university share of all RTL programs, and it is said that every third spectator (not a candidate) has a diploma of Secondary education. And the container shows have long received the hug of the arts section. They are considered an ironic entertainment that you can watch as an Arte documentary on a newly discovered stump in the Amazon jungle, just with Brigitte Nielsen or Bata Illic on the campfire and Patricia Blanco in the summer house at the tap . Or as a psychological Oedipal study on the subject of eroticism, when the rookie in the "Bachelor" delirium: "Michelle reminds me a lot of my grandmother."

  Marc Terenzi as Jungle King 2017

Celebrity Man of the Rays: Paul Janke on Ibiza

A summer afternoon, Janke goes down a skyscraper in Hamburg. He is attached and secure, and many people watch that nothing happens here. Janke jumps on the wall, smiles and does his job: to be Paul Janke. This time, for a chocolatier who wants to do something with the waterfall of the house with "Together, we can do it". Beside him, other celebrities also met, Lilly Becker, Simone Ballack, Natascha Ochsenknecht. And Leonard Freier. Who?

Freer was a "single" who left his girlfriend to find his petal on television among 22 women, but did not find him. After the show, he returned to his girlfriend, which he then married, as RTL reported.

  Famous emigrant: Jens Büchner (with his wife Daniela)

Famous emigrant: Jens Büchner (with his wife Daniela)

Endemol produces the show "Celebrity Big Brother"

Paul Janke was formerly "Mister Hamburg" in 2009, then the creators of the "Bachelor" wrote it on Facebook, if he could imagine … He could. "I wanted to try this." It was in 2012, and even today, women in front of the skyscraper say that Janke was "the only real bachelor". That's why he always has red roses everywhere, which he distributes when he appears somewhere. But there are also women who are confused this afternoon, because her Paul, who was just hanging around the skyscraper, should be in far away Asia in the show "Bachelor in Paradise". Either way, they would have seen it on TV yesterday. But a clarification "Hey, it's just a record" unties the problem.

  Career made: Sarina Nowak was on "Next Top Model" in 2009, today she is working as a model in America

: Sarina Nowak was "Next Top Model of Germany" "In 2009, today she works as a model in America

Janke, Freier and many others are replenished in a world of entertainment in which two extreme behaviors are as close as ever: Narcissism of the artists and voyeurism of the public. Rolf Schmiel, motivational speaker and author of books, says: "Narcissists take everything into account. They feel the need to be noticed, so they are willing to pay any price. And the voyeurs, we viewers, judge and judge those who ridicule themselves and show the private, the mundane and the intimate. Or weird: in the jungle, participants chewed bites of crocodile. And with the "supermodel" they were torn off in strange clothes on boat cranes.

  Celebrity Cologne: Frank Fussbroich (with his wife Elke)

Celebrity Cologne: Frank Fussbroich (with his wife Elke)

As it's weird and unappetizing: the rush of novices who want to go to light, as well as ex-faded celebrities who want to come back to the light, stop. Rainer Laux, the producer of "Celebrity Big Brother", says that he receives every year a hundred nominations. Interestingly, but only 10 percent. Laux is one of the most experienced manufacturers in the industry. For Endemol, he produced the amazing "Big Brother". After a break, he returned to Endemol in 2014 and participated in the "Celebrity Big Brother" show.

For "I'm a star," says an insider in the industry, the list of beggars counts 400 names. The previous warning of Erich Kästner, "Whatever happens: you must never sink so low, even from the cocoa, through which you are attracted, even to drink," has become obsolete for a long time: Trash-TV candidates pour Glory cocoa into the interior, like the thirsty ones. And that 's the way that TV interviewer candidates are increasingly looking for their supplies today in social networks. It would be helpful, says Rainer Laux, to deal with a generation "that presents itself professionally on Youtube and Instagram."

  Still with a rose in his hand: Paul Janke, for many viewers the "only true single"

Still with a rose in his hand: Paul Janke, for many viewers the "only true single "

100,000 euros and more

But what is pushing people on TV? Former professional football player David Odonkor should not have climbed into the container because of the estimated fee of € 95,000. No, his attention was low, he did not feel good enough anymore. Other Einst-Stars are interested in the amount that is offered to them: 100,000 or 150,000 euros, or even recently with Tony Marshall 300,000 euros, who refused to participate in the jungle camp, however, for health reasons. A third group leads a cool career planning: After the jungle camp, they are hoping for the "Celebrity Dinner", on "Let's Dance" or just want to be pbaded on to an opening shoe shop. "Many new doors have opened," says Natascha Ochsenknecht, who lives at the time of the wife of actor Uwe Ochsenknecht, about "Ich bin ein Star"

  Rudellästern in the "Sommerhaus der Stars".

Rudellästern in the "Sommerhaus der Stars"

The big televised show is often followed by what was called "clubbing": disco shows or just a red carpet in front of something . The main thing, it is photographed. With advertising contracts or the mere presence at the opening of a dealer can be earned 100,000 euros and more per year. One person who lives well in this new world of services is Jessica Paszka, 28, a daughter of Polish parents and an office worker trained in Essen. She calls herself "independent contractor" today. Paszka is a winner in the young industry. She was also discovered on the Internet in 2014 by the "Bachelor" editor, hesitantly at first, "but my mother persuaded me to do something crazy". She only reached fifth place, but she noticed. Then the box of celebrities, 2018 "Let's Dance", a song that she also published, and to erotically substantiate her market value, she was naked in the "Playboy". On Instagram, it is followed by about 450,000 people who do not look at anything special.

  Sarah Harrison, known as "Bachelor", "Shopping Queen", "Big Brother". Last Status: Wants to move to L.A.

Sarah Harrison, known as "Bachelor", "Shopping Queen", "Big Brother". Last status: wants to move to L.A.

It is the attention that Paszka has become "very comfortable," she says. "I like this kind of fans, I am very proud that women can find themselves in me." Paszka makes no secret, even of a cosmetic boost and a bad enhancement, but she also knows how to control her image. She does not want to be so generous anymore: "I will not repeat everything I've done before, but for everything else: never say never."

That Paszka will be part of the dancing tea "Let's Dance" Nobody really cares. Just as little as the question of whether a single man has found his dream wife (he does not have it) or if the king's crown of the jungle after the end of the show has a value (this it is not the case). He applies the basic law of television: The show is the star, and the candidates are interested, as long as they are on the show.

  Bling Bling repeatedly: Bert Wollersheim (formerly active in the middle of the red light, here with Bobby Anne Baker

Bling-Bling: Bert Wollersheim (formerly active in the middle of the red lights, here with Bobby Anne Baker)

"It's a game, and celebrities play it willingly, so they'll satisfy it as well," says Peter Walschburger, professor of psychology at FU Berlin. , the host of the late jungle camp, said, "We have not included ten recipients Hartz IV defenseless here, but ten celebrities whose job is to live in this environment. whether it is important or important, has the choice to participate or not.Or, as producer Laux says: "The half we call says" never "and hangs up, the other half thinks" why not ? ""

"Adam Seeks Eve"

Peer Kusmagk is one those who do not hang up immediately. The former actor "Good Times, Bad Times" and former king of the jungle is one of the casual travelers on the trash television. In the show "Adam sucht Eve" he searched and found bare naked on an island an equally bare heart leaf. Naked? "I have not had a problem with that, you can experience it on all the nudist beaches," he says. For Kusmagk, "it was an experience that tempted me to try something to find love." The trick of retaining one's dignity is to "do something offensive, get involved and have a plan." Kusmagk had not planned that his plan would be outdated. He met professional surfer Janni Hönscheid on the island, with whom he lives today and has a child. Both are probably the only ones to have taken a television show seriously.

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