Concert at the Arena Lanxess: Justin Timberlake presents a show in Cologne in a class of its own



Pop star Justin Timberlake delights the public at two evenings at the Cologne Lanxess Arena. During his "Man of Woods" tour, he convinces with a lot of music, charm and wit.

By Susanne Schramm, 22.07.2018

Beans? Do not he smell beans? Cooked in a cauldron, somewhere in the western United States. Where brave cowboys capture wild mustangs with the lbado, where bison rise up like mountains and have no idea of ​​their future in natural parks, reserves and zoos. If after 22:30 the clock "Montana" rings, with pictures of these pieces of history "Go West" of the United States, the campfire scene is long gone. Justin Timberlake, surrounded by his singers and background musicians, grouped in plaid shirts around flashing lights, right in the heart of the Lanxess Arena, still has the smell of beans in his nose. Although they were not part of the program. But only from the imagination.

For two evenings, Saturday and Sunday, Justin Timberlake not only completely filled the Cologne Arena, but also completely enchanted him. From his "Man of Woods" tour, he's doing a great show of motto. With a winding tree-lined path that winds through the interior to provide an opportunity for furious dance performances in various rest areas.

Timberlake learned to portray himself on television as a primary school age – and perfected his public magnetism as a member of the Boygroup * NSYNC. All the snow of yesterday. For a long time, the pop musician, composer, presenter and actor has made a spectacular solo career. Including the return, paternity (three years ago) and a brand new image.

Instead of wearing a suit, he now appears in jeans, with a T-shirt and sneakers. Or, see above, in a checkered shirt. That's also referred to as lumberjack's shirt, you can neglect it safely – because Timberlakes Show has never been the subject of a debate, which should have given way to natural products. Instead, he and his "Tennessee Kids" (six dancers, four long-distance singers, four brbad, a full orchestra, and a double part) play a two-hour show in a clbad of their own.

At the first track "Filthy" the whole room opens completely. Sometimes with dancers, sometimes with musicians or with brbad, the friendly beard man crosses the area all evening. And his albums. Beginning with "Justified" (2002) to "FutureSex / LoveSounds" (2006) at the double "2020 Experience" (2013) and the current record of Waldeslust, which was released early February 2018. The man can not only dance and singing excellently (rock, pop, funk, soul, hip-hop – no problem, even the helmet shows no weakness), but also play guitar and piano.

He also still has over one hundred percent charm and wit. Or did the blue and white polka dot bra that flew to him on Saturday night perhaps been a hello for orderly love? The answer ("If you talk to your mother about the concert and ask why you're not wearing a bra anymore – do not say it's my fault!") Everything is fine anyway. "Sexy Back", "Senorita" and "Cry Me A River", "Mirrors", "What goes around … comes around", "Supplies" and "Rock Your Body" cheer him up, And: This n & Is not only As is so often claimed, only the woman. Even seasoned guys enjoy Timberlake. Because of "Drink You Away"? Where does he throw a round for his troupe? Or because he never tires of praising "Cologne"? Where has he been so many times and has he learned German so well?

One can only really appeal to Mister Thousand-Ace. That it does not add anything when the concert ends at 23h. But maybe he did not want to miss the Kölner Lichter.

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