Daniela Büchner in the "Sommerhaus der Stars": Embarrassing! Danni in a topless duel with Micaela Schäfer


Is it even more embarrbading? Yes it works! Anyone who thought celebrities of the "summer house of the stars" could not be more embarrbading, had been deceived. Instead, Daniela Büchner and Nackt-Schnecke Micaela Schäfer present a comparison of dubious bads

Daniela Büchner unpacks: HERE Danni Büchner shows her bads on TV

True to the motto "Get out of the brush, "the two celebrity ladies let the cases fall shamelessly. Ok, sure, Micaela Schäfer is almost always naked, unlike Danni Büchner Jens Büchner – at least until now. Because in the last issue of "The House of Stars" also drops the covers to see in the video RTL current .

Danni Büchner and Micaela Schäfer in bust bust

To see it: While La Mica proudly holds its lush shaft in the cameras, Daniela Büchner suddenly drops her white bra. And what the public sees then, obviously everyone does not like it. Breast shock in prime time! The conclusion of the summer home candidate Julian Evangelos on Danni's naked offensive: "It was like an accident, you could not look away."

Comparison of BH with Micaela Schäfer: the woman of Jens Büchner unpacks

Why Danni Büchner appears suddenly without being on German television, Micaela Schäfer has her own theory: "Everything for the quota, "says the 30-year-old. "Goodbye Germany" – Daniela Büchner, who came out, seems uninterested in such allegations. The blonde TV proudly explains: "Danni Büchner, mother of five, 40, corresponds to the bra of Micaela Schäfer." In La Mica and his friend Felix Steiner, however, Daniela BH's comparison is not going well.

The blasphemy Mica about bad show by Daniela Büchner

"I had a shock," commented Micaela Dannis Topless -show. And Felix is ​​also sure: "It's the last team." Context: The Büchners are already on the list of other residents. If Danni's freedom is really useful? This is not the first time that Büchners make headlines with naked facts. Already in episode 1 of " The summer house of the stars " Jens Büchner had created a real scandal. The reason: RTL has presented to unsuspecting viewers a record of the unique "Mallorca-Jens" by Jens Büchner. A shocker penis that no one apparently wanted to see

Shocked spectators: Violent criticism for the Büchners

For the spectators, the Büchner bad show is not going well. On Facebook, they vented their anger. "It's really embarrbading and she always says that the family is holy, she embarrbades her family" or "mother's five times" should be ashamed, but what are you doing nothing for? "money," complain the bad actions of Danni Buchner.If the Büchner will provide spectators in the coming weeks even more shocking moments, will show.But for this they must first stay in the house … [19659012] All episode of "The Summer House of Stars" you see on Monday 30.07.2018, from 20.15 hours at station RTL.

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