Daniela Katzenberger answers four intimate questions


Daniela Katzenberger always emphasizes that she does not drink and smoke and that she is really boring. This was not the case in the past. The cult blonde confesses now her biggest sins

The fans are happy with their direct and honest way on the net. With the story function on Instagram, Daniela Katzenberger's subscribers could ask her questions. One or the other of the sins appeared, the fans, despite the published biography, did not yet know the cult blonde

criminal acts

Thus, the cat confessed that she wanted to be cool in her teens. "After five moves and three school changes, you try to go home. In a way, I went to a jewelry store, stuffed five rings and three pairs of earrings in my mouth and fell down. And further: "I just thought that most of the store's detectives are saying" Open your bag ", no one is still saying," Open your mouth and pull your tongue. "An important clue is pushing the reality star behind:" Neither cool nor clever, please do not imitate! "

Tattooed Eyebrows

A long topic in their previous documentary shows: The Tattooed Eyebrows They Made Katzenberger Famous. Yet, what would the 31 year old child say to his young self? "No matter how hard you are, your dress style will always be very special and, for the sake of God, n & # 39; 39, do not insinuate your eyebrows on your forehead, "she writes with a laughing emoji.

Never smoked?

Again and again the cat pointed out that & # 39; she's not a fan of smoking stakes.The blonde confessed to Instagram: "At my 18th birthday, I wanted to show my mom that I was now of legal age and she has nothing left to say to me and lit up in front of her in the disco a fag. "Next:" After that, I felt so bad and dizzy that I fell out of the jukebox on which I danced. "

The Most Embarrbading Moment

Katzenberger had not Klotür in his old apartment in Ludwigshafen, she already announced in their documentary programs, but did not want to do anything. did not mention a crucial detail. "When I ended up with Lucas, I was still living in Ludwigshafen, in a 60-square-meter apartment with no kitchen and no toilet door." Lucas and I have always been eating Mexican food, the rest you can imagine.

Daniela Katzenberger's experiments are still far from being announced even after 10 years.

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