Daniela Katzenberger: completely changed without breast surgery! HERE she shows him "bags of Quark"


Here is how we know Daniela Katzenberger today
Bild: dpa

We know Daniela Katzenberger (31), an ubiquitous worship blonde who shares her life with her fans for years. years. Meanwhile, not only in various soap operas and TV shows, but also via social networks. No question: the chat is a lot on Instagram and Facebook. But do you still remember the beginning phase of the cat? When Daniela Katzenberger absolutely wanted to play the American number of "Playboy" and wanted to do it on the private channel Vox "Auf und vom"

Daniela Katzenberger completely changed

Without a doubt: Daniela Katzenberger has completely changed. Or? This question allows the cat to respond to their fans with an old autograph card. The good piece is already ten years old, says the star of the reality show next to the Instagram snapshot. There is a Daniela Katzenberger wearing a tight bikini. Daniela Katzenberger shows her true "quark pockets"

Her comment on this point is unequivocal: "# eyebrow-up-the-ears" Daniela Katzenberger calls her face-painting idiosyncratic. The humor also proves the cat in the other hashtags that decorate his Instagram image. With the hashtag "#dawarendiequarktaschennechcht" she played on it in the last ten years but considerably extended the stem .

Daniela Katzenberger did not do it in the "Playboy"

With the word "#erfolgweildamalskeinerfolgbeimbunnychef" she plays on the attempt to convince the now-deceased "Playboy" founder Hugh Hefner before his legendary villa of their qualities. And yet, Daniela Katzenberger seems happy to remember her debut as a celebrity on television. The last hashtag of the series is "# nice time". Even so, the cat is certainly happy not to be teased like a "playboy" bunny.

Do you remember? That's what the cat looked like at that time


VIDEO: Do you remember that scary look of the cat?

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