Daniela Katzenberger: sad confession of baby


Daniela Katzenberger: The woman behind the perfect facade

Always in a good mood, always a funny saying on the lips and a good dose of self-irony – that's how we know Daniela Katzenberger . But behind the perfect facade, there is a normal woman. A woman like us, with normal problems, fears and hopes . Incredible, because for foreigners, the life of reality TV just looks perfect: The cat found with Lucas Cordalis, 50, and his granddaughter Sophia, 2, his family happiness, sister Zoff with Jenny Frankhauser, 25 The figure can be (still) impressive – and things are going well as well when it comes to jobs: their products continue to sell well and are reserved for many events, shows and shootings.

Where is Lich, is also Schatten

When we meet the native Ludwigshafenerin in the fashion show of the lingerie brand Lascana during Berlin Fashion Week, we learn the woman behind the smile Pearl White Standing Get to know – and learn that a subject is currently putting a heavy burden on her: baby planning! Because despite all her efforts, she just does not get pregnant.

Of course, a second child is the dream of Lucas and me. But until now, it has not worked and we do not want to put pressure on us either. We can only do our best,

was the 31 years old last year still brave. But the mood is rocking! Meanwhile, the election of Mallorca even plans to postpone the topic!

If it does not go over this year, then I will abandon it, too

so the blonde is destined. She explains: "Not because I'm getting too old, but Luke's going to be 51 this year, so he's still fit and everything works, but I also want the kid to have dad as long as he can . "

Daniela and Lucas Cordalis: Hope remains!

If that were to happen, it would be good. And most of the time it is so when the pressure is gone,

it pleads courage in the interview OK! . Is this the reason why Daniela is trying to create a moment of conviviality and romantic moments of poetry? "This is not so easy with a child" it reveals OK! Daniela does not want to put her daughter in the wrong hands because she has had bad experiences with Nannys only at a young age: "I had a habit of doing of babysitting during my childhood, my mother was doing a lot of work, I did not like it before. "

Of course, the family supports where they can. " Costa and Ingrid are happy to take care of them, but they are no longer the youngest, they are flat after an hour, because my little girl is very active. "An hour with Sophia is for both as for others

Sophia Cordalis: Is the little one a killer?

The fact that it does not rattle right now in the box is actually attributable to the girl!

The little one always sleeps with us in our bed, so there is nothing , [soupire Daniela]

And even with hot lingerie, the blonde can not attract her husband: "To be honest, I almost stopped buying bady underwear. " Although they've been married for two years, it seems obvious that they're already moving in love life." So, what's in it? the closet? "Since birth Sophia's ance actually nothing extremely erotic, rather than tight bikinis. But I do not really buy for Lucas, but for me " it clarifies.

Background: In Majorca, the TV Star constantly chased by photographers .It finally wanted to have the air The godfather irritates Dani's bady appearance, but apparently little.Instead of wooing his seductive wife, Lucas prefers to collapse in front of the TV as a 31-year-old blabber:

Currently, can wander in lace panties – Lucas does not care about this during the football world cup.He does not even look up from TV, at most when I'm naked.

But the cat would not be the cat if it did not make a troubled situation lucrative "I think to design underwear or bikinis" it gives OK! – interview. Because unlike at Lucas, her fans are very excited about her appearance and she is constantly being contacted e via its social networks. "It's very hard to find something nice in my size, my cup size is between F and G. So F-terrible and G-voracious, I think I'm not alone with that, so we contact me a lot " Support that makes Daniela very happy!

Daniela Katzenberger on Hater: "Sometimes it really hurts!"

Of course, not all reactions are positive. Too often, Hater queries his Facebook feed. "Many people still know me as the one with the terrible eyebrows and have not yet registered that I am very different and matured today, I just have to deal with this stamp. once, sometimes I like it, sometimes it strikes me already. " Especially when the comments refer to their family, the cat comes out claws.

If you share a large part of your life, you always provide a breeding ground for Hetz's comments. And sometimes it really hurts. Especially when it comes to the family. You do not put that so easily, and you feel helpless. You have to develop a thick coat so you do not see everything so closely.

Renouncing Instagram & Co. is definitely out of the question. The contact with their fans is essential for their work. Because who does not stay in the conversation, does not receive any offers. And without offers, the market value and the public interest decline, which results in the sale of their own products.

"I believe that even a Daniela Katzenberger has an expiry date"

With this statement, the business woman goes to court with her hard. And although she knows that the attention of the media can now be over, the thought makes her struggle: "I'm always afraid of losing everything." So, your strategy looks like this:

I develop many products, work on my brand. Over the years, I've built something very well. It was not so easy to be known in the past. Today, you participate in the "Bachelor," Jungle Camp & Co. – so you are in conversation.

But this is still not a guarantee of success! "Staying in conversation, that's the difficulty" Dani knows it. Until now, the blonde is doing very well: "I do a lot of good things, I'm grateful for that." Will she end up saying goodbye to the public in the future? "No, my work is too much fun for that, I tried to post less, difficult …"

So fans can be sure: If this happens soon with pregnancy, we will announce the good news via social media!

Text: Natalie Eichhammer

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