Detecting Batic and Leitmayr – Digital "crime scene": Mary and the unshakable design


Munich (dpa) – The artificial intelligence and dangers of the network seem to have harmed those of the ARD. On the "crime scene", the digital threat is becoming more and more a subject of predilection.

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The new episode "KI" Munich, which will be broadcast this Sunday, October 21 at 20:15, is already part of a small genre belonging to the series of thrillers Sunday.

In their 79th case, Ivo Batic (Miroslav Nemec) and Franz Leitmayr (Udo Wachtveitl) must shed light on the disappearance of Melanie, 14 years old. She is the daughter of a friend of Batic, her parents are in the body after separation.

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Just then, the girl was sitting in her room – she had suddenly disappeared. Even when the curators in Melanie's room confiscate the laptop with the large inscription "Attention", it is clear: Again, the danger comes back from the computer. Warning!

It quickly becomes clear: Maria, the new friend of the lonely girl, must know something about the disappearance of Melanie. After all, they traded up to six hours a day and kept in touch when they disappeared.

The problem: Maria is not a human, but a computer voice, a sophisticated program of artificial intelligence, which was supposed to remain secret in a research center in Munich and yet found a way to go out – probably by a hacker. "Nothing with Mary and unbridled design." We notice the film, partly difficult, how much his directors waited for this sentence with impatience.

The specific circumstances of the case confront Batic and Leitmayr with difficult questions such as: Can a computer voice be a witness? How do you ask the right questions to such a witness? And even more difficult such as: What distinguishes an artificial intelligence, learning from the intelligence of the man? Leitmayr's answer: "She does not know how strawberry ice cream has a taste."

The idea of ​​making a film on the highly explosive themes of digital threats had other manufacturers of "crime scenes" in front of Munich: in 2016, actor Ken Duken was afraid of "big data" in Stuttgart. Shortly after, in the episode Bremer "Echolot", the author was the digital copy of the victim. In the episode of Saarland's New Year 2018, the title was "Ex-Machina murder" – and in Berlin about a month ago. In "Big Animals" Berlin, investigators had to answer the question of whether a machine equipped with artificial intelligence could become a murderer.

The subject will be presented in a realistic way on the crime scene "KI", says Florian Röhrbein of the chair of robotics, artificial intelligence and real-time systems of the Technical University of Munich, who worked as an expert on this "crime scene", the Bayerischer Rundfunk.

"I consider that the representation of opportunities and risks is very balanced, including the risk that an AI is perceived as a person with whom to establish a relationship, even if in the end, it only provides answers as in a Google search query. "

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