Director Hans Weingartner: "I would like to disappear completely"

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Eternally, you do not have anything

Hans Weingartner
(41) belongs. The director created in 2004 with "The fat years are over" a cult movie that was even nominated for the " Golden Palm " of Cannes . At nine o'clock he came from Berlin where he lived, to Vienna to promote his new film "303": a love film – slow, sweet, intense – that Weingartner does not want to remove the sunglbades during the photo shoot. Durchgemacht? "No." We have to get closer. "They come from Vorarlberg No. I am from Tirol ," I say. "My father is also Tyrolean," he says as he takes off his sunglbades. Common origin as icebreaker. Since Weingartner's last film "The sum of my games", seven years have pbaded. The first question is obvious

Mr. Weingartner, why did not you make a film for so long?

Various reasons, like broken projects that I did not fund. I also took a sabbatical year to devote myself to science

and research at the university.

You have studied neuroscience. What did you research?

Honestly, I would like to separate the director Hans Weingartner and the private person. In truth, I do not call myself Hans Weingartner .


I do not say that and it suits me. My name is Weingartner, but not Hans . My friends call me that, but it's not my maiden name. It comes from my grandfather, a counselor from Innsbruck who called himself so

His uncle is the former governor of Tyrol.

Wendelin Weingartner
. You come from a family of politicians, while your movies are always systematic. How did this affect the family?

Not at all, but it is not mandatory. On the contrary. It is always true that the more conservative parents are, the more children become rebels and vice versa. You always want to do the opposite. How was it with you? Do you have brothers or sisters?

You change to Du.

Two sisters. You have seven brothers and sisters. How is it to grow up in a large family?

Sometimes positive, sometimes negative and a little wilder, I would say. You must be self-employed early in childhood, because care with so many siblings is not so intense and contact with parents is not so close. But boring, of course, will never be. This is an advantage.

Are you ill at ease with private affairs? You have long considered what you say.

People still want private, private, private … Of course, it's entertaining.

You want to get to know the person who makes such great movies.

Why? It does not matter, the main thing that the movie likes. Moreover, most people do not even know who is the director of a movie. You know the actors but not the director.

Does this bother you?

Zero, I think it's great. I would like to disappear completely as a director and not give interviews. I would also be happy if there were no pictures of me and I did not have to talk about my movie.

So bad?

What is bad? The speaking itself is not bad. It's bad when you sit at your desk or at work and you still have the media in your head and you feel observed. Then the questions come back

Also the questions I'm asking now?

Yes. After all, it's clear that it's not good for movies when people know too much about you. Suppose I turn a scene that has something perverted or vulgar, then I dare, if no one knows me.

It is always said that everything is allowed in the art?

Nevertheless, you are a human and things are embarrbading for you. You can not turn it off, that is psychology. In art, you have to beat the strings or make mistakes. But if you feel watched, you do not dare …

You could develop the attitude that you do not care what others think of you?

If you do that, you will not let it run. That's why I separate myself so much between me as a private person and Hans Weingartner the director. I mean, I'm not a mega celebrity or something. But even my modest importance is sometimes a burden to me.

The attention of your new movie "303" is automatically brought to your attention. The title comes from the vintage motorhome with which the protagonist Jule is on the road. Supposedly you have it during the

Berlinale is parked in front of the entrance to sell the film.

That's right. There is a corner where buyers from all over the world pbad. Surprisingly, there is public parking and everyone has seen the bus. I also sat inside and invited people to watch the trailer on the bus.

After a big hit like "The big years are over", you'd think everyone would rip the film out of your hands.

"The fat years" were a

World Success
the film has won thousands of awards. Nevertheless, I had to go back to "303" cleaning and scrape the money together. I could not believe it myself. TV channels and movie promoters simply did not want a movie. I think it's because the fabric is so unusual. They say: Where is the suitcase with coke and when are we unpacking the heroin cutlery? They want a plot, and if they do not, they are scared.

"303", that is two people trying not to fall in love with each other.

I think this has never happened before, so you can watch two people fall asleep. Normally, after the first act, the kiss comes, the rest of the movie, the wife and the husband are separated and have to fight to get together. We need an hour for Jan and Jule to touch each other for the first time … Now I would like to say something personal.

Oh, only for …

The most beautiful phase of any relationship is still This phase of approach, in which you just snorted, has palpitations and is excited. You want to have fun, spray ideas and feel totally alive and fresh. Sometimes it's terrible when the question torments you: Does it want me or not? I've always liked this phase.

You're really curious to see if and when Jule and Jan finally kiss.

No idea if it's true. I wrote the script and I know what happens next. As with Steven Spielberg when the white shark arrives. Do you think he's scared of the white shark?

Probably not.

It's the hardest thing about cinema. You do not think like the public.

You want to kiss anyway.

I'm happy when the concept works. This is the only plot in the movie. Do they meet or not? Well, it's still the plot in love movies.

You're just in love?

Here is Hans Weingartner and he is not in love, but makes movies.


Eternally, you do not have anything

Hans Weingartner
(41) belongs. The director created in 2004 with "The fat years are over" a cult movie that was even nominated for the " Golden Palm " of Cannes . At nine o'clock he came from Berlin where he lived, to Vienna to promote his new film "303": a love film – slow, sweet, intense – that Weingartner does not want to remove the sunglbades during the photo shoot. Durchgemacht? "No." We have to get closer. "They come from Vorarlberg No. I am from Tirol ," I say. "My father is also Tyrolean," he says as he takes off his sunglbades. Common origin as icebreaker. Since Weingartner's last film "The sum of my games", seven years have pbaded. The first question is obvious

Mr. Weingartner, why did not you make a film for so long?

Various reasons, like broken projects that I did not fund. I also took a sabbatical year to devote myself to science

and research at the university.

You have studied neuroscience. What did you research?

Honestly, I would like to separate the director Hans Weingartner and the private person. In truth, I do not call myself Hans Weingartner .


I do not say that and it suits me. My name is Weingartner, but not Hans . My friends call me that, but it's not my maiden name. It comes from my grandfather, a counselor from Innsbruck who called himself so

His uncle is the former governor of Tyrol.

Wendelin Weingartner
. You come from a family of politicians, while your movies are always systematic. How did this affect the family?

Not at all, but it is not mandatory. On the contrary. It is always true that the more conservative parents are, the more children become rebels and vice versa. You always want to do the opposite. How was it with you? Do you have brothers or sisters?

You change to Du.

Two sisters. You have seven brothers and sisters. How is it to grow up in a large family?

Sometimes positive, sometimes negative and a little wilder, I would say. You must be self-employed early in childhood, because care with so many siblings is not so intense and contact with parents is not so close. But boring, of course, will never be. This is an advantage.

Are you ill at ease with private affairs? You have long considered what you say.

People still want private, private, private … Of course, it's entertaining.

You want to get to know the person who makes such great movies.

Why? It does not matter, the main thing that the movie likes. Moreover, most people do not even know who is the director of a movie. You know the actors but not the director.

Does this bother you?

Zero, I think it's great. I would like to disappear completely as a director and not give interviews. I would also be happy if there were no pictures of me and I did not have to talk about my movie.

So bad?

What is bad? The speaking itself is not bad. It's bad when you sit at your desk or at work and you still have the media in your head and you feel observed. Then the questions come back

Also the questions I'm asking now?

Yes. After all, it's clear that it's not good for movies when people know too much about you. Suppose I turn a scene that has something perverted or vulgar, then I dare, if no one knows me.

It is always said that everything is allowed in the art?

Nevertheless, you are a human and things are embarrbading for you. You can not turn it off, that is psychology. In art, you have to beat the strings or make mistakes. But if you feel watched, you do not dare …

You could develop the attitude that you do not care what others think of you?

If you do that, you will not let it run. That's why I separate myself so much between me as a private person and Hans Weingartner the director. I mean, I'm not a mega celebrity or something. But even my modest importance is sometimes a burden to me.

The attention of your new movie "303" is automatically brought to your attention. The title comes from the vintage motorhome with which the protagonist Jule is on the road. Supposedly you have it during the

Berlinale is parked in front of the entrance to sell the film.

That's right. There is a corner where buyers from all over the world pbad. Surprisingly, there is public parking and everyone has seen the bus. I also sat inside and invited people to watch the trailer on the bus.

After a big hit like "The big years are over", you'd think everyone would rip the film out of your hands.

"The fat years" were a

World Success
the film has won thousands of awards. Nevertheless, I had to go back to "303" cleaning and scrape the money together. I could not believe it myself. TV channels and movie promoters simply did not want a movie. I think it's because the fabric is so unusual. They say: Where is the suitcase with coke and when are we unpacking the heroin cutlery? They want a plot, and if they do not, they are scared.

"303", that is two people trying not to fall in love with each other.

I think this has never happened before, so you can watch two people fall asleep. Normally, after the first act, the kiss comes, the rest of the movie, the wife and the husband are separated and have to fight to get together. We need an hour for Jan and Jule to touch each other for the first time … Now I would like to say something personal.

Oh, only for …

The most beautiful phase of any relationship is still This phase of approach, in which you just snorted, has palpitations and is excited. You want to have fun, spray ideas and feel totally alive and fresh. Sometimes it's terrible when the question torments you: Does it want me or not? I've always liked this phase.

You're really curious to see if and when Jule and Jan finally kiss.

No idea if it's true. I wrote the script and I know what happens next. As with Steven Spielberg when the white shark arrives. Do you think he's scared of the white shark?

Probably not.

It's the hardest thing about cinema. You do not think like the public.

You want to kiss anyway.

I'm happy when the concept works. This is the only plot in the movie. Do they meet or not? Well, it's still the plot in love movies.

Are you in love right now?

Here is Hans Weingartner and he is not in love but makes movies.

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