Does Curvy Supermodel have the turn? –


With two new jurors, the show-model RTL II wants to start its third year. Problem: Aside from the two new names, you have hardly lived the spirit of departure.

Is "Curvy Supermodel" an enrichment for the German TV market or just another free-rider of the casting genre, which has been at the center of private television for more than two decades? If we share the pure message that even richer ladies can serve as role models and not have to starve the "ideal" business measures, hostile and threatening to health, one is inclined to talk d & # 39; enrichment. wants to become winding in the future. On the other hand, if you look at the format itself, you have to repeat it at the beginning of the third season: "Boom" did not do it again. And, conceptually, many laudable things are unfortunately exhausted even by getting rid of the anachronistic ideals of beauty. Otherwise, the show still looks like the drawing board.

There is a mandatory casting phase in front of a jury, where the participants (mostly very young) run down the slope and have to prove their suitability to the model. The one who will convince three experts will come to the recall, where two challenges must be mastered: the group walk with a few comrades and the photo shoot – which will in turn be judged by the jury. If you are convinced after a long decision in the next phase of the show, the rest of the girls scratch the curve. This would summarize the concept of the opening sequence. Do you feel the innovation? Do you feel that you have to see this program because it offers the kind of casting something new or rethink bady existing? Do you think you should miss something if you do not turn it on? Probably not. And there is the basic problem.

You can certainly regret that the counterpart of ProSieben, far less deadly, morally questionable and considered a subject of human mbad, is much more successful, since it must show the dazzling lighthouse with Heidi Klum and reinforce the riots . and sets of pieces. But when "GNTM" started once, a model cast was still quite charming, new and poorly developed television, the kind of casting in its basic processes not yet consumed and German television not so dull, what phrases typical branding Challenge never "or" nobody suspects that there will be a lot of tears in the end. "Meanwhile, however, we know enough of these stylistic features and smiles at best at this chatter of tension, if the We do not want to entertain social media about it.

However, all this does not please "Curvy Supermodel." There is no noticeable development in the first season , you are limited to dusty platitudes to tension, visually, although somewhat sympathetically reduced compared to "GNTM", but in direct comparison, more like a backflow for girls who (still) did not reached the big stage. To summarize: You are as good as the ratings of the first two seasons, where the show was generally at just under a million viewers and five to six percent of audience share. Still good enough for a third round, especially as the media echo is mostly positive, but at the same time disappointing considering that this format is widely publicized and runs in the middle of the summer hole.

  • © RTL II

    Photo sessions, convincing in advertisements as well as in casting for real modeling work? Who shows the fighting spirit? Who stages his curves perfectly? More than 50 competitors give their all in the first three castings to convince the jury and qualify for the next round. The winner receives a model contract from Peyman Amin's famous agency, PARS Management, and the cover of JOY #style's special issue of JOY.

And the proper description of the performance of the new juror Jan Kralitschka is also very beautiful: He does not stand out, looks charming and quite likeable, but after nearly two and a half hours, but also again in the big swimmers pool of talent show. Although more charismatic than the "Bachelor" of 2013, which until now found its greatest TV entertainment in bathroom remodeling as part of a DIY WDR show, this is also his new colleague Oliver Tienken. Although it also corresponds to a certain extent to a clichéd juror's image, but it fulfills, contained a competent judgment and at the same time very entertaining and emotional – and is not too bad for many times 39 go on the podium even to improve the opportunities to justify the candidates. Model model Angelina Kirsch and still-model model Jana Ina Zarrella, who is also an RTL II transmitter, remain on board. Overall, this is fine.

Enrichment or Freeloader: How do you evaluate "Curvy Supermodel"?

Joar, and all the rest? If you are not bothered by the fact that the casting number 265 is being rewound without major content-related features, you can be delighted with "Curvy Supermodel". The show is carefully produced and edited by Tresor TV, the interaction between the jury and the competitors' costumes, and the light entertainment without too much moral bad breath always comes. Obviously, you can not or do not want to offer as much to your audience, so at the end of the season you probably had to draw a mediocre rating and hope that at least the basic idea "Curvy" remains strongly linked to this brand. If that does not succeed, we finally arrived at the badured triviality

RTL II shows six other episodes of "Supermodel Curvy" – now every Thursday instead of Monday at 20:15.

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