Duchess Meghan and her father Thomas: There is total silence


Rosarito (Mexico) –

Things just go too far

Duchess Meghan Markle and her father Thomas seemed to have been shaken in the past two months.

Even so far away, even to sell information about his daughter to the press for money and publicly to the British royal court to omit.

Royal Wedding Cold Ice Canceled

In May, it was finally done: Duchess Meghan Markle (36) and Prince Harry (33) made the everlasting covenant of love. The whole world has encouraged them.

The only exception is Thomas, Meghan's father, 73 years old. The group between Meghan and Harry did not seem to fit in with that kind of thing!

Discover here why everyone in the church laughed at Harry's yes word.

Already at that time, he was repulsing director of light sometimes known of a behavior in the day that could not be more embarrbading.

He quickly refused to drive his daughter Meghan to the altar during the marriage according to Christian tradition.

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Actress Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had the word "yes" in May. 19659013] Next scandal: staged photos of paparazzi

According to his own statements, this was due to his condition: the obese had suffered a heart attack shortly before the wedding.

Shortly after, the following scandal which, according to the information of "RTL", lives completely in a small town in the United States, has organized paparazzi photos in order to earn a lot of money.

Meghan now needs a little time to embarrbad her father. forgiveness is understandable.

Thomas Markle discovers intimate details about Meghan

The public image of Thomas was over at that time.

But what the future 74-year-old man was allowing now is more than indignant.

Because in an interview with the British tabloid "The Sun", he unpacked the intimate details of his quarrel with his daughter Meghan.

Radio silence between father and daughter

In an interview with the newspaper, he explained that he had not spoken to his daughter Meghan for more than two months.

Read here why the British already want a baby from Meghan and Harry.

The last time you spoke on the phone after the wedding. Since then, his number has stopped working

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And he has never received a response to the many messages he has left at the Royal Palace.

This becomes even more dramatic: Thomas Markle said in a wounded He hopes that he will not be ignored by Meghan until the end of his life.

After all, he had recently had a heart attack and did not know how much time he had left.

He accuses his daughter Meghan of ignorance

He does not save with allegations. According to him, his daughter Meghan does not care about him. "I looked after my mother for the last five years of her life.My daughter told me that she would take care of me when she was old.This is important to me", said Markle.

Neither Meghan nor the Royal Court publicly commented on the allegations up to here. The words and the rest of the world are probably also missing.


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