Elvis Costello stops because of cancer in Europe


Sylvie Meis returns to "Das Supertalent"

21:23: After seven years, host Sylvie Meis returns to the RTL show "Das Supertalent". This informed the private broadcaster in Cologne on Friday. The 40-year-old will be part of the jury with Dieter Bohlen (64) and Bruce Darnell (60). Already from 2008 to 2010, this training had judged candidates sometimes musical, sometimes acrobatic or even accompanied by animals on stage.

"For my ten years on RTL I'm going back to my super talented juror debut, a I can not imagine a greater honor," said Meis. Bohlen then brought him to the jury. "For that I am eternally grateful to him." Bohlen spoke of a "dream team with the highest quotas of all time". Darnell was quoted as saying, "Great, tall, great that Sylvie is back."

The twelfth season of the casting show is scheduled for September. The former jury member, Nazan Eckes, will belong more on the tour according to the industry service "DWDL".

Elvis Costello dies of cancer European Tour

11.15: Due to cancer, the British musician Elvis Costello canceled the dates of Waiting for his current European tour. On his website, the 63-year-old man shared his illness. He wrote: "Six weeks ago, my specialist called me and said," You should start playing the lottery. "He had rarely seen such a small but very aggressive cancerous tumor conquered by a single operation.

Costello pointed out that he was at first happy and relieved that his European summer tour could continue. such an operation would be that the patient should recover for three to four weeks, depending on whether he was at the office or that he was doing a job requiring physical work or a trip.It was impossible to badess how these recommendations would fit in with the life of an itinerant musician who performs between 90 minutes and over two hours a day.

He realized that he needed more time for s & rsquo; "Costello explained," I have to accept now that it will take more time than I would have liked to regain my strength. "Therefore, he unfortunately had to cancel the dates of his waiting. tour. Better not disappoint the fans by not appearing to play worse and ultimately risk his health.

Luisa Wietzorek: The GZSZ actress is nine months pregnant

Friday 6 July 10, 10: "Good times – bad times", actress Luisa Wietzorek is in the ninth month and waiting for a girl. This is reported by the celebrity portal "Promiflash". The 28-year-old was known for her appearance as a guest of the popular soap Eve

During a performance at Berlin Fashion Week, Wietzorek commented on her pregnancy at "Promiflash": "There is no Has not been seen for a long time and now sees it's over and now it's almost over, starting in September I'm going to shoot again. "She had a" carefree pregnancy ", has continued the 28-year-old. However, the actress did not want to betray the father of the child.

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