Exhibited or exploited? "DiePresse.com


A man takes a look at a Burkaträgerin by self-embroidering under the skirt – just before he shouts out the "N word", the pants dropped and skips a man who takes out a weapon, threatening the naked bad: "I'm going to make you a homobadual!" A young woman sits on a folding chair and answers questions about a humanitarian mission she never went to Another takes a pair of scissors, cuts a pubic hair and holds it proudly in the camera – for the arts!

That Who is America ?, The latest comedy hit by comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, would highlight a behavior Weird human, had been planned before the show: Not without reason send politicians before a televised first televised press releases in which they try to defuse the expected embarrbadment by declaring. Last week Jason Spence r, the man with the selfie stick and naked bad, resigned as a member of the House of Representatives in Georgia.

Signed torture device. In the show (seen on Sky), he participates in an alleged self-defense training, led by an Israeli expert named Erran Morad – including a cohen disguised as almost Frankenstein's prostheses. Spencer is not the only one to have got that number. "Morad" won some politicians for his plan to equip four-year-old children with guns; He signed for a "waterboarding" torture device from former US Vice President Dick Cheney: the plastic can collected $ 8,355 on Ebay for Amnesty International.

Cohen adopts many more identities to extort foreigners – or just to test their patience. A concept that he has perfected since his "Ali G Show". More than the question of whether this is funny or not, the US media are now busy investigating whether Cohen's methods are in order. The "New York Times" compares it to James O. Keefe, the conservative political activist who, last year, tried to feed the "Washington Post" with fake stories and expose them as well . In their reasons, the two differ, but their methods are similar.

It is also criticized that Cohen presses his amusing objects – especially if they are not politicians, but simply people – using a power relationship: "Vanity Fair" describes how the star of reality Corinne Olympios met Cohen (disguised as Italian fashion baroness who wants to tie her up for a charity campaign): she was disconnected from her manager and her mobile phone, prevented from going out that had made her so nervous that she was hyperventilated. In the end, she was happy that everything was "just a joke." Cohen has cheated on it less than exploited, says Vanity Fair – a model that recalls abuses in the fashion industry. Even the "New Yorker" complains, "The power dynamics here are completely wrong."

"Evil." Meanwhile, the Olympians agreed, they even "honored" to have been deceived by Cohen. Others blame him for being confronted with Republican Sarah Palin, who said she was in the shape of a veteran of the war before the launch of the series. He had never imagined him as a veteran, Cohen's fictional character "Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr.", a right-wing conspiracy theorist who sits in a sort of electromobile for comfort . The appearance of Palin has not yet been shown on the show. She describes Cohen's humor as "villain, exploiter and sick."

And the art dealer, who received Cohen in the form of a rising fertile artist and praised his art not only in stupid curatorial speeches, but also donated to his "brush for pubic hair "? She saw him more loosely. Cohen owes him a personal meeting. "And he should buy a picture."

("Die Presse", printed edition, 29.07.2018)

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