Finally official: Ex-Bachelor Babe will be a new Bachelorette!


Now, it's finally confirmed! In a few days, the great quest for love begins again: the Bachelorette goes on to the next round. Then 20 thirsty singles can again compete for the heart of a dream woman. What hotties are looking for their Mrs. Right is already known. Now is finally officially confirmed, whose love the men will fight soon: the former bachelor candidate Nadine Klein will be the new Bachelorette!

This was RTL now known by a post on Instagram and finally confirmed the speculation of several weeks. Above all, a jewel of brunettes violently boiled the rumor mill. A few months ago, the student had herself received Rosen from the Bachelor degree Daniel Völz (33 years old). For the final, it was not enough at this time – it flew into the fifth episode . In the battle for the coveted role of Rosenkavalierin, the Berlin woman would have prevailed against Saskia Atzerodt (26 years) candidate for Bachelor in Paradise

as a bachelor Nadine on July 18 succeeds Let & # 39; s Dance Star Jessica Paszka (28). She had sought her husband for life on TV last year. However, the romance with his elected David Friedrich (28) lasted only a few weeks.

  Nadine Klein, TV star Instagram / nadine.kln
Nadine Klein, TV star
  Daniel Völz and candidate Nadine Klein MG RTL D

Bachelor's degree Daniel Völz and candidate Nadine Klein
  Jessica Paszka at the German Perfume Award 2018 in Berlin P.Hoffmann /

Jessica Paszka at the German Perfume Award 2018 in Berlin

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