Fiona Erdmann: touching declaration of love to her dead husband – people


"I can not believe it's gone."

A year ago, model Fiona Erdmann, 29, lost her husband in a motorcycle accident. On Instagram, she devoted it to loving birthday lines.

Fiona opens her heart and lets the world share her thoughts, fears and desires. Even though the two have been separated since 2015, the barmaid leader Mohamed (35) was the most important person in their lives until his death. Very open and honest, the model writes the pain of the soul.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " erdmann-and-mohamed-200454656-54329278 / 3, w1280, c = 0.picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Fiona Erdmann and Mohamed "data-zoom-title =" Fiona and Mohamed at the same time " a charity gala in 2010. The bartender often accompanied Fiona and supported them in all their projects

Photo: adolph press / WELSCHER

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Fiona and Mohamed at a charity gala in 2010. The bartender often accompanied Fiona and supported them in all their projects Photo: Adolph Press / WELSCHER

Fiona Erdmann, who through his participation to Topmodel "2007 became known: " We knew each other for 14 years. And also, when we separated, we were still a family! Two people who loved each other! And that would always be like that! There was simply no one who was so close to my mother and with whom I had lived and shared so much in my life! And then he was just gone. How many times do I think so far, my phone has rang and I have received this terrible message. How many times do I see it in my dreams and how many times do I think about our last minutes! I have not known for a long time and have not treated what happened there. "

Today is one of those days that I would like to remove from the calendar.Today, and I can not believe it's been 1 year, it's the first Mohamed's birthday Even when I write this word, it breaks my heart and my tears come in. ? I can not believe it's gone.My husband was my only and one! My best half, my friend, husband , a protector and a very important role in my life.That has always made me feel, I am not alone! M 'made feel that someone is there for me and m'. Someone who knows me thoroughly and who gives me the feeling of security and peace, even if it sometimes drives me crazy.But that is how you know each other for so long When you experience all the ups and downs and the only thing that ties you together is more.We have known each other for 14 years.And also, when we parted, we were still a family !!! 2 people who liked it! And that would always be like that! There was no one who was so close to my mother and with whom I had lived and shared so much in my life! And then he was just gone. How many times do I think so far, my phone has rang and I have received this terrible message. How many times do I see it in my dreams and how many times do I think about our last minutes! I have not known for a long time and have not dealt with what happened. The only thing I know I'm grateful for having had in my life. We have lived so much together! And he was a loving person, warm, funny and lively! How much would I like to spend more time with him! Today I am going to do things that he would have liked to do, things that will remind me and show him that today more than ever he is part of this earth that still exists !! !! ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️ My Momo I miss you very much! My heart breaks again and again … if you still exist somewhere, then you know how important you are to me in my life! ➡️ Remains in the commentary >>>

A post shared by Fiona Erdmann (@fionaerdmann) on

The death of his childhood darling Mohamed Toro Fiona out of life. Since then, she has been back in everyday life step by step – her "Momo" is always at her side in her thoughts.

"Today, I am going to do things that he would have liked to do, things that remind me of him, and will show him that today, more than ever, he is part of this earth that still exists !!!! ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️ " writes Fiona Erdmann on Instagram. The letter of love closes the model with the words: "I hope very much to be able to kiss you one day! I love you"

Fiona and Mohamed met when Fiona was 15 years old. Six years later, they married, but separated in April 2015, after five years of marriage and eleven years of relationship. The two had evolved in different directions, but remained close relatives

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