Game of the year – "A game should not be bored" – Panorama


Bernhard Löhlein plays 400 to 500 board games a year. He is a member of the Game of the Year jury and explains why "Azul" deserves this award. And why board games are reborn.

The game of the year 2018 is called "Azul". Bernhard Löhlein, 52, an editor of the Diocese of Eichstätt, likes to play and is a member of the jury of the Spiel des Jahres. He explains why "Azul" deserves this award

SZ: Why did "Azul" win?

Bernhard Löhlein: "Azul" consists of laying tiles in certain patterns. One player after the other, not speed, but strategic planning, like chess. Once you are hooked, it is easy. The depth of the game only opens after several games: It is important to tear off the last tile of the player at the right time

How important is the subject of the game for the jury?

Every play author must be present at the ceremony admitted that he had at first a very different idea. The winner's first concept Michael Kiesling was a piece of wood. Together the publisher and the author pack the game system into an appropriate theme, as here the game play. The sum of all this judges the jury.

What must be a game of the year?

He should motivate as many people as possible to play. Because the rules must be easy to understand, the complexity and duration of the game can not overtax anyone. That does not mean you can just unpack it on Christmas Eve and start playing right away. Who invented the game of the year, also ensures that the game as a cultural technique persists. But fortunately, there has been a real boom in the industry in recent years

What is especially important to you as a juror in a game?

A game should not be boring. Of course, it's still a subjective evaluation. Nevertheless, we notice during the game what the players do not understand and what they like. Also in subsequent conversations and in constant exchange with other members of the jury it quickly becomes clear which games are convincing.

A smartphone on the table would then be a sign for a boring game?

Not necessarily. Maybe someone writes a message to his partner: "Hey, we absolutely need this game."

Do board games protect us from the increasing digitization of everyday life?

Many people are looking for a retirement. Even board games are a form of deceleration. But I do not think that's the reason why everyone suddenly plays board games. This rebirth comes more from the fact that there are now so many high quality games. I believe this form of badogous entertainment will last.

The boom in the industry is reflected in a thousand new board games a year. How many of them have you ever played?

400 to 500 per year Of course, there are also card and dice games that you can do very quickly. Nevertheless, we must choose carefully, as a jury, we have a great responsibility.

Looks like the embarrbadment of choice. Does the family help you in the selection?

My wife does not play so much, but she has a good eye for things that I, as a professional, do not pay attention to anymore. My children have always loved being allowed to play. Today, things are different: they now have more desire to do their homework. Sometimes they always play with me.

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