Gene Simmons: Sexual Harassment: Gene Simmons agrees to an out-of-court settlement


A lawsuit against Kiss Gene Simmons legend will probably not be heard in court. It is said to have been in agreement with the plaintiff

The bbadist of the Kiss rock legends ( "I was made to love you"
), Gene Simmons (68), Do not pretend to be responsible for the court. This is clear from the corresponding documents that should be available on the American portal "The Blast". As a result, Simmons had agreed early in July with the anonymous complainant to be amicable. There is currently no detailed detail on the agreement. The two parties would only have to formally request the suspension of the proceedings

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He reportedly stopped her several times

The woman, a journalist, first accused the musician of badual harbadment last December. Simmons would have touched the journalist's hand first. Then he slammed his finger against his neck and caught her in a group photo later of the butt. Simmons had denied the allegations at the time.

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