Girlfriends – Now for good: Vanessa Mai sings the theme song


From the autumn, RTL daily shows the new series "Girlfriends – Now more more". Now the station announces that none other than the German Schlagerprinzessin

Vanessa Mai
(26) contributes to the title track. May fans can even hear in advance, because according to RTL, the song entitled "Stronger" is also found on their next album "Schlager", which will be released in early August.

But that's not enough

Whole is the beginning of a career as an actor? May should at least have an appearance in "Girlfriends – Now more more", as they say. When that happens, it is not currently known. It could also take time, as 160 episodes are planned for the moment

The song corresponds at least once to the series, if it goes after the singer herself. May said to the broadcaster: "The song is intended to convey exactly what the series gives: friends can do anything and together you are never alone, for me the friendship always means to be there for the other when the going gets tough. "

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