Goodbye Germany: Baby surprise for Conny Reimann


Austin –

The Reimann family grows up. As Manuela and Konny Reimann announce on Instagram, they become grandparents again.

After two grandchildren of his daughter Jason, Janina is now pregnant. The 31 year old is expecting her first child with her husband Colemann.

Conny Reimann's daughter, Janina, has a baby

With her husband and dog Max, she is sitting on a bed. While holding a radiant watermelon in her hand, her husband sits next to her and reads the dog's reading of the pregnancy.

There are ultrasound images in front of them. In the photo, reminiscent of a movie poster, the date of birth is revealed. The baby will probably be born in January

Find out here which couple "Goodbye Germany" talks about separation after 30 years.

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This article first appeared in the "Mitteldeutsche Zeitung"


(mz / ymü)

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