GZSZ News: Adam seeks Eva-Nackedei Timur Ülker takes on a role


Berlin –

Girls, behaving well: The autumn of GZSZ is getting hot – because a Paradies-Nackedei joined the RTL series.

Timur Ülker (28) obtains a lead role in the popular soap opera. Previously, Timur made women's hearts beat faster at "Köln 50667"

And in 2017, the hamburger was looking for love in the bad show "Adam sucht Eve" (read more here). Although he did not find it, but his luck in the work.


Trained: Timur Ülker introduces himself to "Adam sucht Eva".

Timur is currently in front of the camera for GZSZ. The episodes will air with him in September

On Instagram, Nihad, 28, said, "I'm looking forward to playing my new lead role."

What exactly is his character on the Kollegz? is always a well kept secret.

Timur Ülker is not the only newcomer to "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten". Read here who is new about this.

GZSZ almost every day since 1992

Since 1992, "Gute Zeiten, bad Zeiten" is broadcast from Monday to Friday at 19:40 on RTL, at 19:35.

It is considered the most successful German TV series in the genre "soap opera".

In 2017, the cult series celebrates its 25th anniversary. On May 18, 2016, the 6000th episode was broadcast.

First there was no place to act

After the series was played in an unnamed city in the early years, as well as the plaques of the first one. registration is inexistent and ET, Berlin is often remembered as a place of action.

The panorama of the city is shown several times per episode, well-known neighborhoods such as Prenzlauer Berg or Tiergarten are frequently mentioned.

Events that are actually happening in Berlin and are characteristic of this city, for example the CSD, are often included in the scenarios at the appropriate time.

Record Audience of 6.73 Million Viewers

Episodes are still produced with seven weeks' notice. On 22 June 1998, with the 1,500th episode, which was attended by the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony and later Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD), the record participation of 6.73 million viewers was reached.

Wolfgang Bahro (aka Jo Gerner) has been part of GZSZ since 1992. He is the one who has been the longest of all actors – and until now, there is no end in view.


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