Hair off! Bachelor Svenja baby barely recognizable


Frankfurt – Did she really do it? Bachelor-Babe Svenja von Wrese (23) has apparently made a huge change of style and gave the hairdresser a brand new hairstyle!

  The new look makes it pretty good.
The new look makes all the difference.

Svenja (23) delighted not only Daniel Völz (32), but also several gentlemen in RTL's "Bachelor in Paradise" release.

For a common future and the great Although the love was not enough, but for the blonde has gone through the accumulated experiences and enhanced impressions.

The 23-year-old athlete is currently as cultured and grounded as ever. No comparison with the Svenja, which we have come to know in the Knutsch-Rekord-Bachelor-Season.

The makeup artist also shows a new side to her fans, encouraging her to stand up. Something that apparently took Svenja herself to heart. No more days she was feeling – phrases learned by heart.

To finally seal this inner change, this new phase of life, the 23 year old girl would not be the first woman to leave her hair … [19659005] She gave her followers a quick glimpse of the new hairstyle: it shines a little shorter and with a fringe fringe, it shines in the camera. The woman can not show more clearly: A new chapter has begun!

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