Halle (Saale): 20-year-old Harry Potter: Curious about the world-famous sorcerer's apprentice


He is arguably the most famous sorcerer's apprentice in the world

We are talking about Harry Potter, the protagonist of the book of teenage books by Scottish writer Joanne K. Rowling. The first group released the now 52-year-old more than two decades ago. It was almost as long ago that the young magician conquered the German shelves. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" appeared here on July 28, 1997. Since then, a very particular universe has emerged around the magical story.

First rejected, then loved

At first, it was not at all certain that the first Harry The Book of Petter would ever be published, because in the beginning the Author JK Rowling conceded one thing above all else: many cancellations, but then the publisher Bloomsbury Publishing decided "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (German: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) but to publish.

On June 26, 1997, he appeared with a starting edition of 500 copies. Meanwhile, the novel has sold about 500 million copies worldwide. Incidentally, in 2013, a fan bought a first edition for just under 150,000 pounds (about 176,000 euros). However, it is also a very special copy. Because the volume is illustrated with comments and 22 original drawings by Rowling and also contains notes on the creation of the work and parts of an earlier version of the book.

The Name Case

The worldwide success of the Harry Potter series is also due to the fact that the original English has now been translated into nearly 80 languages. Similarly in languages ​​that very few speak, such as Breton or Low German. And even in Latin lessons, stories about the sorcerer's apprentice can serve as academic readings. The characters are not the same in all languages. For example, in Dutch, Harry's ill-liked cousin, Dudley Dursley, becomes Dirk Duffeling, and Hogwarts calls himself Zweinstein.

The struggle against powerful men

J.K. Rowling Sorcerer Students and Friends Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley fight against the crushing villains. But even in real life, the 52-year-old author is not afraid to play with powerful politicians. So, she recently responded to a tweet from US President Donald Trump, in which he was annoyed by the subtle press. And he 's made fun of the man around the White House.

The Church and the Sorcerer's Apprentice

Not all find out well that J.K. Rowling did with his books. From the beginning, church representatives saw the stories on the student magician critically. Even Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the last Pope Benedict XVI, criticized the boys' books in 2005. These are "subtle seductions that, imperceptibly and precisely, because of this profound work, destroy Christianity in the soul," said Ratzinger.

Dumbledore Private

Harry Potter fans were intrigued by the privacy of Albus Dumbledore, the Hogwarts director and mentor of the young wizard's apprentice. For years, read J.K. Rowling in the dark. Until she finally decides to do a reading tour in the United States about ten years ago. When asked if Dumbledore had found his true love, Rowling simply replied, "I always thought that Dumbledore was gay." (Mz)

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