Harry Potter appeared in German 20 years ago


Anyone between the ages of 20 and 30 grew up with the world of Harry Potter, the Hogwarts School of Magic, and the dreams of flying brooms and powerful spells. Some of this generation even hoped that the magical world could become a reality. As Potter-Fan Johanna admits (25): "I've always waited for my letter during the summer, so I thought I'd have one, I just wanted to have one, because I thought the world was so cool and it really delighted me. "

Escape Worlds

Vera (24) compares her unpleasant life at boarding school, where she comforted the world of wizards and witches: "Because, at the time when the hype was so loud, I went to boarding school And because it was not a great time for me, I told myself when I had to leave on Monday: Yeah, I'm going to Hogwarts now and Harry did it, so that's okay .

Torben, 27, has never left Potter's enthusiasm. Even today, he's talking to his friends about the magical world of fantasy: "I still have a small group of WhatsApp friends in which we ask ourselves a few questions about Harry Potter because we've heard so many times audio books, it's there that we wanted to add value, like "What is the name of the Bulgarian pilots at the Quidditch World Cup?" or "Which spell can you put out the fire? "

What a particular generation Star Wars or Star Trek is just for us – the 90s – Harry Potter. And especially, that you were still the same age as this main character, like Harry Potter himself.

Yannick (27), Harry Potter Fan

The Harry Potter generation first read their parents' books. Later, they are alone immersed in the magical world of Joanne K. Rowling. They grew up with the young magician.

Once Potter, Still Potter

And just as Harry's world has become more complex with each book, their world has changed over the years: teens have become teenagers, teens have become teenagers. But his childhood is already over. Why are many still so fascinated by this magical world today as adults?

Johanna says, "I think about it quite often, I read books and listen to audio books because it's such a beautiful story, because there's so much of things in it, friendship, love, war. So there is just a lot, a lot in there, where you can learn a lot and what you can take in the present time or in the real world. "

Torben points to the common enthusiasm still going on for the Potter World community feeling.He insists:" It's like we're saying, "Do you like football or not? ? "You can categorize people very quickly, and when some people say that they like, read or read Harry Potter, they are nice to you, and that is a sense of belonging, that is to say, that they do not belong to them. is a generation, so you have a code of understanding. "

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