Harry Potter evokes in Germany: premiere of the theater



Harry Potter Performs in Germany: Theater Creation

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A scene from the play "Harry Potter and the Despised Child" at the London Palace Theater. Photo: Manuel Harlan / First PR / Archives

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

H amburg (dpa) – The play "Harry Potter and the Enchanted Child" arrives in Germany. In spring 2020, there will be others in Hamburg! Theater am Großmarkt premiere, said the producers of the German Press Agency. The story, the creator of Harry Potter JK Rowling had co-written with Jack Thorne and John Tiffany on July 30, 2016 in the West End of London, and the screenplay appeared the next day

"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child "is on Broadway in New York. since this spring, other productions will open in 2019 in the American metropolis San Francisco as well as in the Australian Melbourne. In Hamburg, the play is first produced in German and played exclusively in German-speaking countries. In May, major renovations are scheduled to begin. Information about the launch event followed in the coming months, he said.

The eighth story of Harry Potter is the first to be screened as a play. It will be seen in two parts, the spectators can visit both parties either one after the other in a day or two consecutive nights. The producer for Germany is Maik Klokow (Mehr-BB Entertainment). "I'm sure this global theatrical success will delight millions of Harry Potter fans in Germany," he explained.

The story begins where the seventh and last part of the novels ends. Harry's best friends, Hermione and Ron, are now married one to the other. The ambitious Hermione made it to the Minister of Magic. Harry is a retired Minister of the Department of Magic, married to Ron's sister, Ginny.

Harry has a difficult relationship with his son Albus Severus. Albus suffers from the high expectations that his father's fame brings. To his father's dismay, he becomes friends with Scorpius Malfoy, the son of Harry's former adversary, Draco. To prove himself, Albus wants to correct a mistake from his father with the help of a trip back in time.

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