Heidi Klum: "And then suddenly it was very strange between us"


"And suddenly, it was very strange between us." Who can leave Heidi Klum, 45, because that's how words became sad? The model mother told in an interview with the American "She" how their relationship with the US President today (19659002) Donald Trump 72, has changed.

Heidi Klum: Quarrel with Donald Trump

Let's go back: in 2015, Donald Trump insulted Heidi Klum, claiming that she was no longer "10" in an interview with the New York Times. He wanted to say that the ravages of time were also eating away at the juror of the GNTM. Is not Heidi more attractive to him?

Heidi Klum's reaction was so cold

But he probably did not expect

the return of Heidi Klum
. The presenter replied with a funny video that she shared on her Twitter page. In this one, the model poses with a "10" on the T-shirt in front of a photographer's camera. Then a man approaches with a Donald Trump mask and snatches the moderator "GNTM" at number ten. A 9.99 comes to light. Klum looks exaggerated at first, then shrugs and continues to look as radiant as before. His message: "Heidi wins over Trump" and "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Heidi Klum

Triumph of Trump


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