Heidi Klum: "I think I just got engaged"


Heidi Klum radiating beside his friend Tom Kaulitz

© dpa / Arthur Mola

The model mother Heidi Klum hovers over the new cloud with his 17-year-old friend, Tom Kaulitz. Now, it is a sensation with an Instagram publication – Klum is engaged? It is behind all this:

Los Angeles – Heidi Klum (45) leaves just about everyone who wants to know it or not, sharing his love of happiness with Tom Kaulitz (28). No matter if she shows up in the Empire State Building, on the streets of New York or in white sheets – on Instagram, she shares her personal happiness with her followers.

But Heidi Klum posted a video that had a lot of fans

Heidi Klum kissed

"I think I'm engaged," wrote the juror of the "Next Top Model" of Germany in a recently published video. There you can see her in a glittering evening dress, while she lets a kneeling man put a ring on her finger. Finally, there is even a big kiss on the mouth. But: The man who makes his move in the video is not a member of Tokio-Hotel Tom Kaulitz, but the actor Ken Jeong (49).

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Ken Jeong and Heidi Klum present together the casting show "America's Got Talent", the German equivalent of "Supertalent Das". There, a magician and a hypnotist made his grand entrance and hypnotized the actor of "hangover" Jeong so that he would kneel in front of Heidi Klum. The model commented on "engagement" with the words, "I'm not sure if Ken Jeong is particularly happy about it." So everyone laughs and Tom Kaulitz does not have to worry.

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Ronja Menzel

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